Golden Guard x Reader: Set-up

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(A/N: Thank you guys so much for 2.7k reads! I cannot express how happy I am, I never thought I'd get over 100 reads! Anyways, I haven't been writing too much because I have little to no motivation so if you have a request please, PLEASE comment what you want. There's no need to be embarrassed or anything I'll write anything you guys want [except for smut for obvious reasons] So yeah, just please bombard me requests. I'm happier being stressed out with writing than having no motivation and not practicing.)

Requested by: freakyshibs

(Y/N)'s POV:

"-I just need a good way to ask him out!" I half-scream, I pull my (H/C) hair almost tearing it out. I pacing across my bedroom, the Blight twins are sitting on my bed and they both a have smug grins on their faces. I eye them suspiciously 'I really hope they don't pull anything'

I go back to ranting "Asking Hunter out should be classy, but not too classy, not cheesy 'cause that shit's weird, but you know! Like a chill thing but I don't want it to feel like I was just lazily putting this together at the last moment AURGH!-" I look over to Ed and he has his head shoved into a notepad scribbling things down.

"ARE YOU WRITING THIS DOWN?" I scream, I glare at him

"(Y/N) BE QUITE!" My mom shouts, the twins snicker at me and I give them an angry look "SORRY MOM!" I shout back.

"Give me that" I hiss at him, I try to grab it from him but he pulls away. I glare at him and hold my hand out for him to give me the note pad but he draws a circle in the air and it disappears. "Fuck you and your illusions" I mumble.

Emira snicker and holds Edric's shoulder for stability "Nah, you'll be too busy fucking Hunter! Ooh love, Ooh loverboy~" She sings. I hate them sometimes, "I hate you guys you know that?" I blush out of embarrassment.

"That a weird way of saying that we're your best friends and you've never met anyone better than us because we're amazing, but I'll take it" Ed smirks, I gasp out of shock 'Smooth fucker' 

I push them of the bed and they both land on the floor, there's a loud thumping sound from the impact of them falling. "(Y/N)! WHAT WAS THAT?" My mother shouts in question

"NOTHING MOM JUST FORGET ABOUT IT!" I reply, shouting at her. Once the twins got up and dusted themselves off,  I pushed them out of my room "Okay you fruity little fruitcakes, time for you guys to go." I tell them, Emira pushes a strand of hair behind her ear and waves her hand in dismissal. "Don't worry (L/N) we're leaving!" She chuckles. They walk out and Edric looks behind his shoulder to wave goodbye to me.

I wave back at him, I shut the door once they're out of view and flop onto my bed. 'Titan I hope they don't pull anything stupid'

Third Person POV:

Edric and Emira made their way out of the (L/N) household, as soon as the door shut they looked at with a knowing look. "You're thinking what I'm thinking, right Ed?" Emira grins, Ed grins back giving her the same energy "Of course I am, let's get Hooty. He got Luz and Amity together" He tells her "Alrighty, to the Owl House we go" Emira declares, they walk into the forest.

Thankfully, the Owl House is only around a 5 minute walk away from (Y/N)'s house so they arrived quick. "Hooty" Emira called out there was no response for a few seconds but then they heard him "Woo we! I haven't had someone who actually wanted to see me since Lulu left!" He said joyfully.

Edric and Emira looked concerned for him but they went back to the original topic. "Hooty, we need your help! You know how you got Luz and Amity together?" Edric asked. Hooty's eyes looked like they were cartoon eyes "It was my proudest moment" He shed a tear of joy.

"Yeah well, we need you to do around the same thing for (Y/N) and Hunter!" He says. Hooty hums in thought, though there's no thought behind those eyes of his "I'll figure something out!" He exclaims. "Great- woAH" The twins say simutainualy, Hooty picks them up and places them down on his back.

He sprouts out of the house and flies off to who knows where with the twins.

Little Time Skip and (Y/N)'s POV:

I was cleaning my room because it looked like a raccoon trashed it when I found a note, it read:

Come to this location at 6pm, all you problems will be solved.

There was a map attached, it looked like a place in the forest near my house. 'Well at least it's not too far' I looked at the time and it was 5:30pm which meant I had a few minutes to prepare before I leave.

I take a quick shower then I brush out my (H/L) (H/C) hair and I throw on a simple outfit. When I finish it's around 5:45pm so I rush out of the door. 

I walk through the forest looking down at the picture ever-so-often to see if I was near the location. Around 5 minutes after looking I see the same location on the picture right in front of me, I see a table with two chair.

'They pulled something' I mentally face palm, I cross my arms and sigh "Ed, Em what did you do?" I ask aloud. They walked out of the bushes, "Don't worry (Y/N)! We're helping you!" Emira laughs, "What do you mean your- and their gone" I say to myself.

I search around for something suspicious, who knows what they did at this point. I see a large rock looking thing, but it's definitely not a rock. It starts moving, I yelp and jump backward.

Out of pretty much now where a blond boy sit up and gasps. "HUNTER?!" I screech, he looks terrified what did those poor twins to him?

"Oh uh, hey (Y/N)!" He laughs nervously, I give him a hand to help him up. He takes it and rubs his nape with his hand, "Titan, I'm traumatized. This huge bird worm thing came and swallowed me and brought me here."

My eyes widened, "Oh my Titan, I'm so sorry. Hooty's been acting up lately, Luz told me everything." I continue to ramble but he stops me, "No, no it's fine really. Though he did say something about confessing?..."

Now it's my turn to awkwardly laugh, "Oh yeah, uh this is kinda hard to say but do..." He raises an eyebrow, my face heats up 'Oh no he's hot!'

 "Doyouwannagooutwithme?" I ask quickly, I close my eyes waiting for rejection

"Yeah, of course! I've uh, actually being wanting to ask that too." He laughed, "Oh my Titan, your laugh is so cute" I blurt out, I then quickly cover my hand. He laughs yet again, "I hate you" I say,

"Mmm, no you don't!" He smiles 'Yeah I love this guy'

Word Counter: 1193

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