Golden Guard x Reader: Hanahaki

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(A/N: Hellooooo everyone! Thank you for 800+ reads you guys are truly amazing and I thank every single one of you! Also, I've noticed my views peak when I do Golden Guard oneshots so I'm going to assume you guys are big simps for him. I'll probably mostly do Golden Guard x readers now with a sprinkle of others, if you want something specific done feel free to comment or pm me. Happy reading!)

TW: Slight blood

If this triggers you, this chapter may not be suitable for you

(Y/N)'s POV:

'The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love, where the patient's throat will fill up with flowers, they will then proceed to throw, and cough up the petals, (sometimes even the flowers). One of the only ways for the disease to 'disappear' is if, the said person returns the feeling (it can't be resolved with friendship, it has to be genuine feelings of love). The infection can also be removed through surgery, though the feelings disappear along with the petals. If they choose neither options, or the feeling is not returned in time, then the patient's lungs will fill up with flowers, and will eventually suffocate. The flower is typically the crushes favourite flower'. I read in my head. Wonderful I have this disease that I can die from if my crush doesn't like me back

The worst part is, is that I have no idea who I have a crush on! It could be anyone I've hung out with, it could be Amber, Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, hell, it could even be Hunter for all I know. I doubt that though, I haven't shown any feeling for Hunter. Right?

Suddenly, there's a tickling sensation arising from my throat. 'Oh lord not this again'  I run, no scratch that. I sprint to the nearest washroom and hang my head over the toilet in despair,

Orchid petals spew out of my mouth 'At least it's not roses' I think to myself trying to think on the bright side. Man roses would hurt, I cough up more petals and see a sangria coloured liquid stained on the petals.

Once, it stops and I make my way out of the bathroom, I'm struck with best idea; why don't I just ask for everyones favourite flower, the article said it's typically the crushes favourite flower. At least I'll have a better chance of surviving then.

I walk down to the Owl House, and knock on the door

"Hey (Y/N)~" Hooty says in a singsong voice. I sigh, 'Titan, I hate this birdworm' "Hi Hooty, could you let me in, I have to ask Luz something."

Hooty opens the door and I see Amity and Luz cuddling on the couch. 'So they're dating, huh? Well, just gotta hope it's not one of them'  I mentally prepare myself, I don't know why I'm so nervous to ask

"Hey lovebirds~" I comment, they swiftly turn their head to me and start blushing furiously. "Okay, so weird question. What's your favourite flower?" I ask, I need this answer so badly

"Mine or Amity's?" Luz questions "Both," I respond. "I mean I like lavender the best" Amity comments "Yeah I like daisy" Luz replies immediately after,

 I sigh in relief 'Oh thank Titan,'  "Anyways that's all I wanted to ask, byeee!" I leave and they wave after me.

I go back on the trail to go ask Hunter next, I'll have to go to the Emperor's Castle for that.

Oh fuck, the tingling is back. I run to the nearest bush and yet again, orchid petals fill my throat and eventually make my way out of my mouth covered in dark red blood 

'I just want this torture to be over! Why in Titans name does this disease even exist'

I take out my staff and hop on, "Take me to the Emperor's Castle" I demand, and I soon as I know it, I'm flying straight there

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