Boscha: Luci- Huh?

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(A/N by the time I'm writing this I have 1k reads! This is a huge accomplishment for me! Thank you everyone!)

Requested by: Nobunaga34

3rd Person POV:

Boscha was laying on her back looking through her mom's birth journal, she knew that she wasn't born like this. She still has memories of a past life, although they were fuzzy.

'Maybe it's a reincarnation thing.' She thought to herself 'But I remember being alive before my mom said I was born' Confused and tired she crawled into bed and fell asleep.


Boscha found herself  in a dark place when she awoke. There were three men bowing in front of her. "Lucifer, our lord. I'm sorry to say we've returned with nothing..." The men look ashamed of themselves

'Luci- Huh?' Boscha thought to herself, she looked down at the men. Maybe acting all high and mighty could finally pay off "You should be very ashamed of yourselves, I trusted you and you let me down" She said darkly, one of the men gulped and spoke up. "We know My Lord-"

"TO THE DUNGEONS!" She yells to them "Y-yes My Lord" They see themselves to the dungeons


Boscha woke up and tumbled off her bed 'Titan, that was vivid'  She thought to herself, she was getting ready for school when suddenly memories came flooding back to her. 

Memories of her preparing for war, winning the war, killing and aiding men, women, and everyone else. 

'Was... Was I Lucifer?' She had thought to herself. She tried to do some new magic she had remembered from the dream, and what do you know? It worked 'Weird' 

She headed off for school without saying bye to anyone.

She walked through the front door and immediately bumped into Luz, which Amity did not enjoy

"Stop bumping into my girlfriend, Boscha!" Amity shouted at her, Boscha just shrugged and rolled her eyes then attempted to walk away.

"You know what?! Me, you duel right now!" Amity told her

"Fine, let's go..." She stated, it was like all emotion was drained from her. "Amity, we really don't have to do this." Luz told her but Amity refused

"We'll be fine, what's she going to do? Brew some potions?" She snickers. That's what made Boscha snap, she sent a fire big enough to injure them but not enough to kill them.

Boscha had sprouted black wings and started to levitate, there was a crowd around the 3 of them. One of the kids yelled at her "What are you? The Devil?" He giggled

"Yeah, actually I am!" Her voice was layered and had slightly glitched out. She stormed out of the building and flew home.

When she went through the front door, her wings folded back in and her mom greeted her "What are you doing home so ear-"

"Shut uP mOthER " Her voice severely glitched out, her mom looked terrified. She stormed to her room and flopped on her bed. She groaned, annoyed

This was going to be difficult to live with

(A/N: Hey, sorry this was short. I honestly had no idea what to do with this chapter she this is what I ended up with. Anyways, have a good day/night make sure to eat some food, drink some water and get some rest. Byeeeee)

Word Counter: 541

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