Raine x Reader: I'll Play You a Rainey Tune

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(A/N: 700+ reads?!? Y'ALL ARE SO SWEET! Also the term nobi is going to be used in this chapter, you probably don't know what that is so I'll explain it real quick. So I identify as non-binary and I'm the mom friend in my group so instead of my friends calling me mom they call me nobi [Like (no)n-(bi)nary] so yeah thats all, enjoy!)

Requested by: Ch0co_lattes

(Y/N)'s POV:

Huh, we're getting a new Bard Coven leader.

Apparently the old one died, I was never to fond of her so I don't really care. This new one seems pretty interesting although they look really nervous. 'How could you be a coven leader and have this bad of stage fright?'  Oh, shut it brain give them a chance. I never really cared for covens, I just had to choose one or I'd be a criminal so I chose the Bard Coven. Instruments that make magic are interesting to say the least.

I turned off the news and headed to my room, tired and drained from this eventful day. I get and bed and drift off almost 5 minutes later


I woke up around 8 AM feeling refreshed and ready to start the day, I put on a simple outfit and head outside. 

I walk into town to see a covenless woman being arrested by the Emperor's Coven guard, 'This is why you join a coven, you don't even have to like it just be there and you won't be put in jail' I mentally roll my eyes, the woman is screaming and sobbing "Don't fret citizens, we're just helping this wild witch find her place in society" A guard say nervously. "No! I don't want to join a coven! Let me go!" The woman protests but the guard doesn't budge

What not a lot of people see is a group of masked witches emerging at the fountain. The one with short teal hair speaks up. 

"Look at the emperor lackeys, trying to, uh, do I really have to say this?" They mumble the last part.

"We all agreed on the script" The other one whispers barely inaudible. 

'Ugh, I've always wanted to join a rebellion, maybe I could ask them later' 

They pick up from where they started, "Trying to mute the music of our hearts. And weaken magic by forcing witches into covens against their will." 

'Ooh, Bard rebellion? Interesting'

"Blasphemy!" One of the guards shouts at them. "Blasphem-you!" They repeat with the same energy

"You see you're a natural!" The catty one says. I guess the teal headed person had a spike of confidence because they suddenly have a whole speech ready,

"That's right, Bonesborough. They take your magic. They restrict your knowledge. They say to do it in the name of unity, but what they really want is control. You know what we say to that folks? Shove off!"

"Who are you heros?" A nose-demon says
"We are the bards against the throne, AKA-" They start 

'Uh oh.'

"Surrounded!" a guard says, and suddenly there are around 7 guards circling around them and their crew.

'Ooh a sewer, let's help them.'

I travel under the sewer and peep my head 

"Psst, this way" I whisper so only they can hear it. They all jump in and we go until we reach a sewer exit near a beach

"End of the line folks, word of advice. Next time you put on a performance like that, make sure you have an exit strategy." I say knowingly

"Thank you! How can we ever repay you?" One of the girls speaks, the leader nudges them and give her a weird look under the mask

"Well, you could let me join your team. I've always wanted to join a rebellion. You guys seem fun to work with" I say with a smug grin on my face

"Sorry, we're not accepting new members." The leader sneers

"Wow I didn't know that's how you treat your coven members, Raine Whispers" I say sarcastically.

"Sometimes I wish people were dumber." He mumbles. I don't listen to them "So, the head of the Bard Coven likes pretending to be a rebel, to bad they're not good at it" I snicker. 

"Okay, I'll give you two options here, one you could let me join your little group and your identity can be a secret or two, I turn you in and you can rot in a jail cell."

"(Y/N)! Stop embarrassing me." They say sheepishly

Now this was news to me, I didn't know they knew my name. To this I blush and try to hid it with my shirt

"Okay, and you know my name how?" I question

"Oh, it's simple. You have a record for being a troublemaker in the Bard Coven, I do my research."

"So, they're joining?" One asks

"They don't seem like a good fit to me" A younger one says.

"I think I'll be just fine" I wave off the statement


"Well there you have it. Homemade maps of every nook and cranny of the city"

"Wow, you've actually deemed yourself useful? Can you be my nobi?" The youngest asks

"I- whAt?" My voices cracks and my cheeks start to heat up "Um, yeah sure I guess" I look over to Raine and they start apologizing immediately

"I'm so, so sorry. Amber hasn't had good parental figures in her life!" They sigh and they look like they're sweating? Like a lot.

"No, no it's fine I completely get it." I laugh it off and we continue with our plan

"Okay so, as the first team is rounding up witches on Hexan Road, Amber will sneak in and take them out" I say

"Got it!" She cheers happily

"Before anyone calls for help, Derwin and Katya will distract the second team by Skinford Avenue" I tell them

"That, we can do." Derwin agree with me and Katya nods her head indicating she is also good with it

"And for the captain?" Amber questions

"That's where Raine comes in." I laugh "Don't get ahead of yourself now"

"As long as I don't have to make anymore speeches" They sigh

"And if everything goes well, I'll be guiding the escapees outside Bonesborough. Belos has less reach outside the city" I finally say

Raine puts a hand on my shoulder and looks at me "I made the right choice letting you stay" They smile, my face flushes 

'God they're cute'  If I was in an anime, my nose would be bleeding badly

"SHIP!" Katya yells and starts running, I run after her, face still flushed 


Yeah, I think I'm going to like it here

(A/N: I tried something new lol, hope you guys enjoyed!)

Word count: 1080

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