💫first times 💫

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Edited chapter, enjoy!

A red carpet laid sprawled across the shiny tile floors. Lights flashing and reporters were yelling for our attention, black limos lined the entrance along with escorts and body guards. A wall was covered with our movie poster, photographers urgently snapping photos behind the red stanchion. I was covered in glam, the photographers were shouting my name for their attention-


Of course, just as soon as my dream was about to get good my alarm just had to go off. I woke up bleary eyed, sprawled across my bed with my comforter draped halfway off my bed. The screeching sound of my alarm kept blaring, I exasperatedly reached over in my darkened room to turn it off. I seriously need to get a new alarm, the sound of that alarm elevates my blood pressure so much that it could give me a heart attack every morning. I yawned, and scanned my bed for my phone, which is nowhere to be found. Ah! Here it is, on the ground, big shocker. I unlocked my phone and check the time, 4:35?! 

Shit, I have to get ready and be at the studio by 6 A.M. I begrudgingly started my march down the hall all the way to the bathroom. I'm starting my new role today, Aaliyah, a super smart, scientist prodigy. In danger Force, Aaliyah works under Schwoz who he also mentors. They didn't really give me too much information but I have watched a few episodes of Danger Force to see they dynamic of the show. The cast is mainly kids my age so working with them shouldn't be a problem. I've done other gigs before, mainly small ones like commercials when I was younger, I starred on Kid Danger a couple of times. 

Most of them were guest appearances on shows like Criminal Minds, Modern Family, Gossip Girl, and other shows that are buried deep in my IMDB. I kept in touch with most of my costars, now it's more harder than ever now that everyone is branching out to different roles and genres. I walked down the hall just as the sun stared filtering in the gloomy hall, I turned on the light to the bathroom and started the dreadful routine. I struggled to pick out my outfit for today, should I go casual? Or something that shows everyone I know what I'm doing? Oh god what if they think I'm a loser that can't act? Okay, I really need to calm down. It's fine! Besides, everyone there is my age so hopefully they aren't too judgey, and plus who knows I might even make a few friends.

I walked down the wooden stairs with a herd of butterflies swarming my stomach, the first few days are always nervous, school, first day of work, everything. I turned to a mirror and reviewed my outfit, making sure I'm not making any choices I'll overthink and regret later on. Mom was already downstairs clamoring around in the kitchen, pots and pans clinking and dropping, the tea kettle squealed at an ungodly pitch. Mom was cunning when it came to her intellectual capabilities but not so much in the kitchen, that's Dad's specialty. I wish I could say that I'm an only child but no, sadly, I'm the middle child. I have an (incredibly annoying and gross) older brother, Adaye, and an (equally annoying but slightly less gross) younger sister, Avira. 

They were all asleep, so Mom was driving me to the table read. Mom was the only one in this house to wake up at 5 A.M everyday to go on her morning jogs. It keeps her sane, is what she'd always say. The drive to the studio took an hour and a half (with traffic) so to prevent car sickness I have to eat something for breakfast, I grabbed a waffle from the pantry and waited by the door. "Mom!" I called out hoping she could hear me through the banging of pans, "Come on we're gonna be late! Its my first day," I pleaded, hoping it'll make her stop whatever she's doing that's going to make me late. "Okay, okay, I'm coming its not the end of the world," She dramatically threw her hands above her head in a dry attempt at defending herself. She wiped her hands on the a blue plaid cloth that laid on the kitchen island.

"Go get the car started for me hun, I'll come out in a minute," She tossed the car keys at me. "Fine, but don't take too long!" I reminded as I went out the door and started up the car. "Time me!" Mom challenged, I closed the car door with a thud and started the countdown. Mom was never one to back down from a challenge, she always had to prove herself, even though we already know her strive to win was definitely something that was deeply engraved into her since childhood. The countdown was already checking away the seconds,







Just as I was about to text Mom about the countdown being nearing it's end, Mom came out smiling all cheery, knowing she came out in under 30 seconds. "So how'd I do?" Mom questioned with a knowing grin as she started up the car. The AC kicked on and breezed through my hair in the terrible California heat. "You did whatever you needed to do in 30 seconds flat. Impressive." I playfully remarked. Mom let out a snicker as she turned her head to check behind the car despite the rear view camera displaying on the screen. I reached over to crank up the AC to the max, if I hadn't turned up the heat I would've arrived to the studio looking like I ran a 10k marathon.

An hour and a half later, I officially arrived to the studio. The large grey building taunted me as I nervously walked in, people were bustling and busy, which meant I had nobody to ask for directions. Great, I was lost. I pulled out my phone to text- wait I didn't know anyone. I haven't even learned anybody's names yet. Oh God. Okay y/n, just pretend you're doing something very important on your phone while you're desperately trying to find directions. At this point I was so hopeless that I started Googling it as if Google would know. I mean hey, maybe some kind soul decided to post it? Oh God, who am I kidding? I am completely and utterly lost. Then I'll get fired for being late before I even get started. Just as I was about to spiral into panic, I accidentally knock into someone. Great. Just great.

I took a step back from the little mishap, thankfully I didn't fall, God I would not be able to take anymore embarrassment. As for my phone, well... it was not as lucky. My phone landed with a thud, plummeting straight to the ground. "Oh my God, I am so sorry! I just got here, and I was trying to look for directions but then I got lost. Then, I didn't know where to look. So I went on my phone for directions-" I realized my apology turned into me rambling, but before I could stop myself from humiliation, the victim of my clumsiness spoke up. "You tried to Google directions for a building?" He asked amused and yet baffled. I looked up upon hearing the guy's voice, it sounded oddly familiar. Oh, Ohkay. No thank you. No way. Why, whyy is it always me. To my luck, he's my new cast member. The guy who I had rambled about getting lost and Googling directions for the inside of a building is my new cast member. 

He took my sheepish expression and silence as a yes. He smiled, and I don't think I've ever truly felt anything like this, it was a strange feeling, probably nerves. "C'mon, I'll be your tour guide for the day," And off we went, side by side. As we walked through this building that seems to have no maps whatsoever, we talked about all sorts of things. From favorite movies, dream directors to work with, to a debate on what stuff belong on pizza. As he rambled on about the many Fast and furious movies I paused for a second, how come I know who his dream director is and yet I don't even know his name? He seemed to have snapped out of  tangent about Shawn Levy and noticed my confusion. "What? what is it?" H

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