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"Cool name!" Dana replied back with a smile. Pretty sure she did see the glare Clara gave her but decided to ignore it. "Wait Terrence texted me that we're going to the park then we're doing the tradition?" Dana confirmed that we were actually going in case a change of plans. "Yep! But we just need to decide on who's house." Luca replied looking amongst us. "Hey!" Clara started. "How about my house? We have a pool, and a movie room too! You guys have to check it out!" Clara bragged, I mean suggested. I don't have a reason to hate this girl but something about her is... off. She did cut Coop and I off whenever we were talking but she could just not be aware sometimes. A chorus of agreements flooded the room. "Do you guys need me to drop you off or are you good with Dana dropping you guys off?" Coop questioned, looking up from his phone. "Oh god no. Never driving again in L.A. Ever again. Please drop us off!" Dana begged. "Well there's your answer!" Terrence declared. We all gathered up our things and head over to Clara's house. The car ride was filled with music, laughter, a few jabs at each other, and just pure joy. Just how it would be normally except Clara was here. Once we arrived to Clara's house we all looked up from our karaoke to Enchanted by Taylor Swift. I have to say Luca could use some auto tune there. We pulled to the front of her driveway and we all got out of the car, grabbing our belongings and such. Her house was Huge and she wasn't kidding when she meant huge. It could almost pass as a mansion.
The front of the house was beautifully decorated with neatly trimmed trees that are cone shaped. The sunlight was hitting the huge windows as we walked up the steps to the front door. It was a double glass door where you could push it from any angle and it could open. "Woah" Havan breathed. "Dude you're like mega rich, man!" Terrence exhaled the breath that he held as he walked up the door. "I agree." I decided to not make her my enemy and to just make another friend, as much as she can be infuriating. "What do your parents do for a living?" Luca said in amazement as he looked at the golden chandelier that towered above us the the lavish living room. The white leather couch that sat along with the rest probably costs more than my house and my parents cars. "Well this isn't my parents house, silly!" She turned around and booped Luca on the nose. I turn over and look over at Havan to see if she payed attention to that but sadly, she was mesmerized by the chandelier that sat over the kitchen as we walked down the hall. But I turn to look over at Dana to see if she at least caught on to that small yet snarky move and to my surprise she had. She gave me a look that screamed 'what does this girl think she's doing..' I kept walking turning my attention towards Luca and... Clara. "This is Aunt Cara's house, she's in vacation in the Bahamas right now and let us use her house while we stay here. Ours is way bigger this place is so small!"We came to a stop at a huge spiral staircases that leads straight to her hallway that she got to herself. She claimed she has each room for everything. A walk in closet, bathroom, office space, her room, 2 rooms for her guests, and a room to film auditions in. Woah. "How come you and your aunt almost have the same name?" Dana was just as spectacle about this girl just as I was, I'm glad I'm not alone on this one. "Well I was named after her, something about like money starvation or hungry I have no clue. Anyways!" She changed the subject and lead us to our rooms, Terrence and Luca sleep in one guest room, Dana and I sleep in the other, while Havan sleeps in a daybed that's in Clara's room.
Soon after we all got settled, we all head over to Clara's room and got snacks out from her pantry. Even her pantry is huge just to feed 3 people. "Let's play truth or dare!" Luca cheered. "Oh yesss! It's a tradition to do whenever someone new joins the crew!" I explained to Clara with a warm smile, I was trying to be as friendly as possible. "Oh hmm okay!" She replied, wow so far so good. "So who's gonna start?"

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