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Oh no, Haven just told me not to. Okay no, I have a right to do what I want. I can do it if I want to right? Surely this doesn't cause any sort of rift between this. How could Clara damage our friendship? Okay here it goes. "Dare" I play along knowing absolutely where this goes. I look over at Haven to see her worried expression and her glancing over at Clara. My gaze fixates on Clara to see her being absolutely unaware of what is about to possibly ruin her. "I dare you to kiss the most prettiest person in the room." Of course I would kiss Luca without a doubt. If i weren't in this situation. Gosh, the guilt is about to consume me.

The second round of Ooo's rolled around the room before I scooted over to him. I went in for the kiss, then pulled back after a couple of seconds. Even if it was for a dare, it still leaves me breathless and disoriented in the best way possible. I go over to my spot to see a proud Dana, a shocked Terrence, a flustered Luca, a disappointed Haven, last but not least, an upset Clara with tears in the edge of spilling out and dropping onto her rosy cheeks. After a minute of silence, Terrence opens his mouth to speak but gets cut off by Clara running out of the room. "I told you, you should've just told her you're dating Luca." Haven said coldly followed by a glare before jumping up to follow Clara.

As soon as Haven gets out of earshot Luca speaks up. "Wait what's going on y/n? You've been acting strange since we got here. I know Clara has been flirting with me, but I told her that you're my girlfriend." 

"No! It's not just that!" I got up and began pacing. "She's been replacing me! She has been acting rude to everyone even ask Dana!" I complained pointing to my right. "When Terrence walked in she gave a nasty look to him, Cooper walked in she glared at him, when Dana walked in she glared and rolled her eyes at her. I'm the only one who noticed this so please don't think I'm crazy!" I finished my rant and Realized tears were escaping my eyes and were running down my cheeks, staining them.

"But Y/n, you should've spoke about it to us, to Luca especially. We're your friends remember?" Terrence chimed in. "I did! I told Haven and she told me that it was just Clara's face, that she's not a threat! She's literally taking Haven away from me too!" At this point my face is flushed red, tears staining my cheeks, my eyes are red as blood, and I've got snot pouring down my nose. Not exactly the best state to be in front of your boyfriend and friend. It would've been fine if Haven were here though.

I start pacing again, wiping the snot from my nose and pulling my sleeve down to my wrists to wipe my eyes. I turn around to see Haven at the door. I'm not dealing with this. "I'm calling my mom to pick me up, have fun without me." I mumble over my shoulder as I reach for my phone. I pull my phone out of my pocket and step outside of the room and stay at the end of the stairs where no one can hear me. Click on my mom's contact and press call. At the third ring she picks up. "Hello sweetie are you okay?" I hear half of her sentence, she must be making one of her late night smoothies. Poor neighbours. "No" I sniffle. "Can you pick me up? I'm not feeling too good." I mumble into the phone and look over my shoulders to make sure nobody's listening to me.

I meet a pair of hazel eyes staring down at me. Clara. She smirked before disappearing down the hallway. "Honey, honey are you still there?" I heard mom question faintly before turning my phone back up to my ear. "Yeah sorry, what did you say?" I ask. "Dad says he'll pick you up in 5." Mom repeats. "Okay thanks mom, love you." A sense of relief washed over me. "Okay bye sweetie love you too, stay safe." She wished then ended the call. I sit on the couch waiting for my dad. One minute felt like an hour. I rest my chin on the palm of my hand.

A couple minutes later o see my dads car pull up. Just as I'm about to leave, I hear laughter come from one of the rooms. They must be having a great time without me. I touch the door handle to leave but then I pulled out my phone quickly. I opened messages and tapped on Dana's Profile.

Hey, I'm leaving now, can one of you guys lock the door after I leave?
Read 11:42 p.m.

The laughter stops as Dana read the message. I rush out of the house as I hear footsteps down the hall. I open the car door and hop in. Just then I feel my phone vibrate. It was Dana.

Yep! Luca is going down to lock the door, he told me to tell you that he said bye!
Sent 11:45 p.m.

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