Luca's birthday

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As I was scrolling on Instagram I checked the time to see that it was already 12:00 a.m. This means it's Luca's birthday. I had three options; be petty and not wish him a happy birthday, wish him a happy birthday in a normal tone, or say it how I usually would and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCA BAHSHSNBSNSAKS!!! 🎉🎉🎉" Or I could just post a photo of us and wish him Happy birthday from my Instagram post. No that's too little I mean he's my boyfriend for God's sake! This is just a silly argument, or I think it is. I'm not really sure what it is. Wait we didn't break up did we? Wait so do I just not wish him a happy birthday? Okay no y/n you're over thinking just do what you just thought of before.

I pull up the photo from us at the restaurant a couple of months ago, I caption it 'Happy Birthday to the best Luca Luhan Ever! ❤️🎉' I hit send. For some reason there was a nervous churning in my stomach. As if I just posted something problematic. Or if I just posted an embarrassing photo of myself. I open up Luca's message box and begin writing. 'Happy birthday Luca! 🥳' Send. I anxiously wait but then I realized that I could just put my phone on do not disturb and do some actual self care. I'll read a book.

Just as I was about to get up to grab one of my favourite book series my alarm went off for my face mask, causing Dandi to wake up in a panic. He looked around alert, as If his tiny paws would threaten a potential burglar. He looked at me in what I could've swore was seen as annoyance and padded out of the room. I follow Dandi but as soon as I spot the bathroom I turn to the white tiled floor. I gently wash off my face mask and pat it dry with the towel that was hung up on the bathroom hook. I step out of the white tiled floor and head back into my room again, I do a little sneak peak over at my phone to see if Luca saw the message. Delivered

Okay. Who cares? He's probably having fun right now. I toss my phone back onto the bed and belly flop into the soft blankets, encasing me in warmth. I pick up my book and begin reading, a couple pages later I was halfway into the book. I haven't had this in so long, I've been so busy with work, Luca, and just life in general I never got the chance to just stop and relax. Soon enough my book slipped from my grasp and fell page first onto my chest as I began to doze off. My face melting into the silk pillow case, my eyes grew heavy and tired as I heard nails tapping on the floor of my room. I felt a soft landing beside my legs and the mysterious intruder had crawled into my lap. I stifled a yawn as Dandi got comfortable, soon enough we were both deep asleep and cuddling. At some point Dandi had crawled up to where my arms were resting, because I woke up to Dandi sleeping eye to eye with me. I screeched a close mouth gasp as the brown eyed fur baby stared back at me. He crawled off of my bed but not before lightly smacking my across my face for not giving him immediate pets. I felt around my bed to find my phone until I felt a cold, hard rectangle. My phone. I checked it as my eyes were still adjusting to the sudden light, as my lights were still off. I checked Instagram first, I didn't feel like talking to anybody right now. As soon as I clicked on Instagram a load of posts and stories were for Luca's birthday.  

I went to check Haven's account to find Clara's Instagram. After a bit of stalking, I finally found it. Clara_Stewart. With a whopping 490.8 K followers, 2859 following and 98 posts. I saw that Dana, Haven, Luca and Terr already followed her and she followed them all back. I don't care I'm never going to follow her. I went to her posts and clicked on her story and saw that she also had a birthday post for Luca... with a picture.. of them two?! Since when did they take that?! Like imagine just saying 'Hey Clara! My girlfriend is crying and upset so let's take a birthday post picture now that she's gone!' Who does that?! The picture was a black and white polaroid, with Clara's arm around Luca's shoulders, facing the camera with grins. Taunting me. Laughing at me. Those stupid beady eyes. Clara's eyes. I clicked on her Story to see that it was the same post, but with a party emoji. I'm not gonna let this bring me down, I shut my phone off and head downstairs for breakfast.

Dandi had already been fed by my mom and he was taking a nap on the sofa, while mum and dad were outside in the garden again. I just took some waffles from the pantry and popped them into the microwave. Like usual, I filled up the kettle and waited for those to heat up. While that was heating up, I decided to watch some Tv, it had been awhile since I watched some cartoons. I clicked on the kids channel, to my gleeful surprise My Little Pony was playing. I clearly needed some friendship lessons, and to see how a happy nice friendship looks like. Just as Twilight was about to sit down eating her meal, mine had popped up from the toaster along with the tea kettle making the high pitched whistling noise. I suffered silently as I carefully placed the steaming hot waffle onto the plate as it burned my finger tips. I tossed a tea bag into my cup and let the bag stain the water. Turning the once clear water into a orange-brown colour. I took out my sugar jar and put a few spoons of sugar into my cup and carefully treaded past things that would make me trip as my tea was teetering over the rim and threatening to burn my knuckles. I sat down and hummed to myself as I placed my sugary breakfast in front of my onto the clear glass table. 

I was halfway into the episode of My Little Pony where Twilight got tickets to the gala, but only got 3 so all of her friends were fighting over it. (Yes I still remember that episode)  I finished my breakfast and placed my dishes in the sink to wash before lunch and head back to just watch Tv until I fall asleep. You'd think you would spend your boyfriend's birthday with him but guess what. You won't. After My Little Pony ended Spongebob started playing. If only I was a sponge. I lay sprawled across the couch with Dandi on my lap, who seemed to be very interested in Patrick. Two episodes later Mum walked in and saw me completely sprawled across the couch and sighed. 

"Honey, what are you doing?" she asked shaking her head in what was somewhat disappointment. Great so now I'm a disappointment to my mom. "Since I'm a failure and a disgrace to everyone and suck at everything, not to mention I have no friends now, I'm reliving my childhood." I replied in a monotone voice. She sighed yet again. "But you should go and make up with them hun. Spending your loved one's birthday alone on the couch with a dog who licks it's own butt?" she questioned in disbelief.

"welp.. guess I'll spend his birthday like this then." 

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