😩 Vibezzz 😩

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You, Dana, Ter, Hava, and Luca were at Luca's house for a sleep over. You guys were all in Luca's room.  You were on your phone playing a game, Luca and Ter were playing Uno on the floor right across from you. Hava was sitting on the bed on her phone. 

Dana was playing some music Doja cat and Streets came on. You knew all the lyrics so you started lip singing and straight up just vibing. You were on you phone jamming out to Dana's taste in music and you turn around to see Hava recording you snickering.

 You catch Luca smiling and staring at you just having fun. You realize what you were doing and put your hand over your smiling mouth. Luca sees you embarrassed so he gets up and starts doing the raise the roof dance weirdly. You smile at him and join him dancing weirdly, and soon it becomes into a dance party with Hava recording you and Luca.

Soon everyone was tired and were just on their phones. ''Hey guys should I order pizza?'' Luca asks everyone while turning his phone off, looking up. ''Sure'' Hava said still on her phone.  ''yep, I could eat'' Terr said. ''Okay guys ill order a y/f/p'' (your favorite pizza) Luca said ordering. 

Soon the pizza arrived and you guys just sat there eating the pizza. Once everyone was done, everyone was soo bored. ''Guys lets play spin the bottle!'' Hava said. Oh no. Your stomach had a whole pack of butterflies swarming around in there. ''yeahh!!'' said Dana. Terr got a bottle and and spun it. 

The bottle landed on Hava. *gasp* ''Okayyy come on bestie lets do this.'' Hava said. And they did a quick pec. Then it was your turn. You took a deep breath and spun the bottle. Of course it landed on Luca! Your face turned bright red. Omg.  ''OoOooo'' said Hava, Dana, and Terr. ''Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! kiss!'' Everyone chanted. 

You and Luca leaned closer and Kissed, for what feels like forever! ''Okay, love birds get a room. No need to make out here.'' Hava said Jokingly. Soon after that everyone was super tired and went to bed.

 You woke up at 4 a.m. since you couldn't sleep, you go sit by a window and watch the sunrise. You heard a sound and turn around to see Luca ''aah!'' you yelled. ''sorry i scared you!'' Luca whispered while sitting down beside you. '' what are you doing? Couldn't sleep either?'' You asked.  '' nah, i just like to watch the sunset everyday'' he said sarcastically playfuly punching your arm. '' Oh ha. Ha. veryyy funny'' You said sarcastically. '' Hey by the way since the sun is rising, its a great time to go and just skate board!'' He said enthusiastically. ''Wanna come with me?'' he said putting out a hand.

'' Of course!'' you said taking his hand pulling you up. You get dressed and get your skateboard and head out with Luca. You guys were out for about 4 hours. Luca wanted to show you his favorite convenience store. You got a Coca-Cola and Luca got a Coca-Cola as well.

Luca was good friends with the convenience store owner, so he usually sits on the roof listening to music. He wanted to show the top of the roof and it had an amazing view of the city. You two sat the watching the view, listening to music, just hanging out. The time went by so quick you two forgot it was already 11 a.m. 

''its already 11 a.m. we should get back before they interrogate us on where we were'' You said jokingly. ''Yep'' Luca said with a chuckle. You two climbed down the roof and skateboarded home. ( omg vibesssss 😩) 

A/N hey guyssss ik, ik, this chapter is cheesyyyyy. Should i make y/n and luca more of a cute best-friendy kind of lovers? instead of a cheesy romantic? lemme know yall :)

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