⚠ explanations ⚠

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                                                                              Y/n's POV

After Noah came we all decided to go to my room and play truth or dare, after a few truth or dares the doorbell rang. I knew it was Luca so quickly went up to get it. 

'' i'll get it!'' I yelled as I was running to get the door.

It WAS in fact LUCA.

''Oh, hey luca! Come on in!'' I said trying to lighten up the mood.

'' umm yeah its okay i have to go in a while, so what did you want to explain to me?'' Luca said coming in to the house sounding annoyed.

'' Okay so i just wanted to explain tha-'' I said before i was cut off by Noah. 

''Hey Luca! Were playing truth or dare, wanna come play?'' Noah called from the top of the stairs.

Luca gave me a hesitant look.

''come on! it'll be fun!!'' i said reassuringly.

''uhh.. hm okay fine.'' Luca said 

Me and Luca went up stairs, and went into my room seeing the group smiling and having a good time.

'' Heyy man! truth or dare?'' Terrence asked Luca.

'' hmm idk truth?''

'' Well hmmm??? oh! yess got it!'' Terrence said thinking out loud.

'' is it true that you like like someone in this room?'' Terrence asked

'' uhm what??'' Luca asked

'' is it true you like someone in this room?'' Terrence repeated.

'' oh umm okay. Yeah i do!'' Luca said.

OoOooo  The group says.

'' so... LUcA whos this lucky person???? Noah asks.

'' uhm that is not apart of THE truth or dare No. AH.'' Luca says half jokingly.

'' Guys! lets play spin the bottle like when Y/n came its sorta weird tradition.'' Hava said explaining to Noah.

'' Ahh okay then!'' Noah says.

'' Ill get the bottle!'' I screamed running down the hall.

After a few minutes I finally found the bottle and went back to my room.

''phew okay.. i ... finally... found .. it!'' I said out of breath.

''Okay so who wants to go first?'' Hava said putting down the bottle.

'' hmm how about you HaVaaAaAaa??'' I said teasingly.

'' uhmm uhh okay ill go I guess?'' Hava said nervously while her face was blushing red.

She spun the bottle and it landed on...

A/N sorry for the cliff hanger hehe 😜 Also im sorry this chapter is rlly short im running out of ideas :(

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