Locking Eyes

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Sam's POV
(A few days later)

Wow, only halfway through senior year and I've embarrassed myself. I don't know why I even went to that party. That jackass Peter invited me, that was a mistake. Thank god Deena was there, I don't wanna think about what would've happened if she didn't step in.

She's amazing. I've seen her in band a few times and have noticed how pretty she looks. When she punched Peter at the party I was so amazed. Even though I was drunk I could still tell how amazing this girl was.

I've always known I liked girls, I talked to my parents about it once but then my mom didn't talk to me for about a month. My dad just wants me to be who I am, and to be happy. I miss my dad, he's here but I miss how he used to be. When I was younger he was full of joy and content. But now ever since he and my mom have been fighting his eyes look empty. Like someone else is in his skin.

I walk to school every day, I don't like the bus and I don't have a car so I just walk. It can be lonely and boring but today I didn't have to. I'm getting ready to head out when someone knocks on my door. And to my surprise it was Deena! She looked so cool.  She was wearing ripped black jeans and a purple flannel over top of a band t-shirt, the band was the Pixies which made it so much hotter. 

Deena- "Hey Fraser, wanna ride?"

Sam- "Oh um yeah sure, thanks"

I'm so nervous right now, why does she make me feel like this. I haven't even known her that long. We got into her car and there is this boy in it, who looks to be about 14 or 15.

Josh- "Hey I'm Josh, Deena's brother." He reaches his hand out for me to shake it.

Sam- "I'm Sam, nice to meet you"

Deena and Josh share a look, Deena looks annoyed and Josh looks accomplished. Were they talking about me?

As we got to school I showed Deena my schedule, we have almost all of our classes together. How did I never realize this?

Deena- "Cool, so we can walk to our other classes together too. You can have lunch with me and my friends if you want."

Sam- "I'd love to." That made me so happy, she wanted to spend time with me.

Deena- "Alright Fraser let's head into math." she says laughing lightly.

Deena sat with me in math. I kept looking over at her and sometimes I'd catch her looking at me. She's just so beautiful, how can I not look at her. Do I like her? I can't like her already, I barely know her.

"Samantha eyes on your own paper!"

Deena- "Come on Fraser." she teases

After a few classes we go to lunch, Deena introduced me to her friends Simon and Kate. Although I had briefly met them the other night, I don't remember too much of that. Simon and Kate kept talking about their drug business and a witch I think. I wasn't paying attention, Deena just looked so good.

Deena- "Do I have something in my teeth?" she asks me

Sam- "What? No!"

Deena- "Then why are you staring at me weirdo."

Sam- "Oh uh I....."

Kate interrupts me saving my ass "So Sam how are you liking the cheer squad?"

We then talk about how awful the people at this school are and cheerleading and curses and drug dealing. Pretty much all about our lives. Kate and Simon are really cool, I like them a lot. I hope they liked me because I really want to spend more time with them, especially Deena.

Kate and I have cheer practice later, and Deena has band practice. So Deena said she could drive me home again tonight. Why am I so excited?

While walking to cheer practice Kate pulls me aside. I'm very confused and a little scared. Kate is pretty tiny but extremely intimidating.

Kate- "So you got a thing for Deena?"

Sam- "What?! Where did you get that idea?"

Kate- "Oh come on Sam, I saw the way you were looking at her today. You know she's gay right?"

Sam- "I wasn't looking at her..... and yes I do what does that have to do with anything?

Kate- "If you asked her out, she'd probably say yes. Deena is nice to you, she's never nice."

Sam- "Whatever we have to go now"

The entire practice I couldn't stop thinking about what Kate had said. Do I like her? Does she like me? I needed to talk to her after practice. I don't know what I'm going to say but I know I need to say something to her.

After practice I waited till everyone was done changing then went into the change room, minutes later Deena walked in. She was in her band uniform but she still looked amazing.

Deena- "Hey Fraser, how's practice."

Sam- "I need to talk to you." I did not mean to blurt that out, it just slipped.

Deena- "Okay, what's this about, need me to punch another guy in the face?" she laughs.

Sam- "No.." I'm shaking so much right now, what am I even going to say? "Um, I was wondering if I could stay over at your house tonight, my parents are fighting so much and I'd love to not be there right now" I'm such a chicken.

Deena- "Oh, yea of course. Are you okay?" She took a step closer to me, she was looking at me in the eyes and I felt like melting.

Sam- "yeah, I'm fine it happens a lot." I can't believe how much of a chicken I am.

Deena- "Well you can stay over whenever you need to. Was there anything else?"

Sam- "Um yea actually. I've been thinking and I..."

Kate- "DEENA SAM HURRY UP" Kate yells from outside the change room.

Deena- "Shit, Kate, we should go."

Sam- "Um yea sure." Oh, crap now I'm sleeping at her house.

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