Chapter 12

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(One part of this chapter will contain heavy gore, if you don't like to read that kind of stuff, here's a warning. I'll mark the point before the gore so you all know.)

Link clenched his fists at the sight of him. He was ready to jump at him, with his Master Sword drawn, but he resisted (for now).

"Yes me Hero, you didn't think I'd run away did you?"
"Well I wouldn't be surprised, but it's better this way."
"Oh really?" Ganondorf smirked, "How so?"
"'Cause now I can finish you, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

Link jumped at Ganondorf, ready to strike him, but Ganondorf swatted him away like a mere fly.
"Tch tch tch Hero, you're too predictable. You think with your emotions. You of all people should know that emotions have no place in war."

"Are you here to lecture me, or fight?!" shouted Link. Ganondorf was right, he was being fueled by his rage right now, and he had plenty of rage.

"Fight of course, I was just playing with you, it's more fun that way, but if you like I can end it right now for you." A mischievous look appeared on his face. Link knew he had something planned, he was dealing with Ganondorf after all.

Ganondorf snapped his fingers and Link's instincts told him to dive out of the way, which turned out to be a good call, as spikes suddenly erupted out of the floor, just missing Link.

"HAH, you think you can get me that easy?"
"Not at all." Ganon smirked again. Link got up quickly to face whatever Ganon had planned next.
Ganon snapped his fingers again, and Link felt the floor beneath him move a bit, he sensed what was coming, and dived out of the way again, but he wasn't as lucky this time as one of the spikes impaled his left leg.

"LINK!" Zelda shouted.
"Oh Queen! I almost forgot you were here."
As soon as Ganondorf looked at her, Dan, Liam and Aya had drawn their swords.

Link grimaced and got up slowly, with his left leg wobbling. "Fight me like a man, you coward!"
"As you wish." Ganon smirked and drew his sword. It looked like something out of a nightmare, the blade was made with a pitch black metal, but was sharp. The hilt was fiery red, matching Ganondorf's hair, there was a ring of what looked like real human bones attached to the hilt, and there was a gold eye in the middle. The sword was almost as long as Link was tall, and Ganon muttered a short spell and blew on it which lit it on fire. This was gonna be a tough battle.

Link and Ganon moved closer, Dan, Liam and Aya started moving towards them too, prepared for a fight.
"Stay back." Link said.
"STAY BACK I SAID! He's mine, take the Queen, get her to safety."

"No." This time it was Zelda who spoke.
"No Link, I'm not gonna let you fight him alone, I can't lose you again." She had tears in her eyes.
Link had no retort to this, "Okay, we'll fight him together." Link's impaled leg suddenly gave way and he fell. "Damn." he said while wincing.

Zelda kneeled down, "This is gonna sting a little bit."
"What are yo-"
Zelda held his hands, "Trust me."
Link fell silent and just nodded. Zelda muttered a spell and pressed her hands to his body. Link's leg suddenly started stinging and he grimaced. "This is more than a little bit." Link said while chuckling and grimacing at the same time. Zelda just smiled.
All this while Dan, Liam and Aya were doing their best to hold Ganondorf off, and they were barely managing it. It took all three of them just to keep him from launching a deadlier attack.

As suddenly as it had started, the stinging stopped, Link looked down to see the hole in his leg was miraculously filled. "How did yo-"
"Healing Magic." Smiled Zelda, it's the thing I'm best at. They both got up, Zelda still holding his hands. Then as if the Goddesses didn't want them to have their moment, Ganondorf shouted, enraged, and took a massive swing with his sword that caused Dan, Liam and Aya to move back.
Link and Zelda drew their weapons too, this was it, the final fight.

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