Chapter 15

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5 Years Later

A young boy was playing in a garden, it was a pleasant day. Behind him, an older woman was holding an infant in her hands. "Not so fast!", she called out to the boy. "Prince Rusl you'll hurt yourself!"
A man walked up behind her, "Let him play Nanny, he'll get hurt and learn to stand up on his own."
"oh- Your Majesty! I uh- I didn't see you there! I was just-"
King Link chuckled "It's okay, here, hand Malia to me." The lady gave the infant she was holding over to her father.
"Here we go darling- Nanny could you please tell Zelda we're here?"
"Of course Your Majesty." She bowed and went to find the queen.

"Don't bother, I'm right here." Queen Zelda Forrester came over to Link and kissed his cheek.
"I knew you'd be here." Link smiled in return, "I just love to come here and watch him play, it reminds me of my younger self. Not a care in the world."
"I remember that guy, I liked him better."
"Hey-" he said playfully.

Zelda laughed, but then her smile fell to a frown, "You remember what today is right?"
Link's expression also tensed, "Yeah." was all he could muster, his tone solemn.
About a week and a half ago, they had received the terrible news. Link's adoptive father, the King of Termina had passed away. He had gone to Termina with Zelda for the funeral.
His foster-sister was coming to Hyrule for the discussion of the succession of the crown. At first glance it felt like a simple matter, and that Link would inherit the kingship. But as he was already the Crown King of two kingdoms, adding a third was unheard of. The Hyrulean, Sheikah and Terminian court of ministers wanted to have a discussion and come to a result which would benefit all three kingdoms. Apart from that, a mysterious advisor seemed to have surfaced a few years ago who had apparently gained the trust and respect of the locals and the late King, and who was seemingly courting the Princess, which would put him at equal footing with Link for the crown.

Link didn't want to be King of Termina desperately, but out of respect of his Father he at least wanted to make sure it wasn't going to the wrong hands. He had no problem with Isabel inheriting, unfortunately Terminian law prevented a girl from inheriting.

"It's such a messy business, and for no good reason.", he scowled.
"If you become King of Termina as well, people might think you're collecting crowns for the sake of it." she joked.
"Well what about you?" Link pulled her close with his one free hand, "You're my queen, you'll have another crown too. Should we start displaying them in a gallery?" They both laughed and he pulled her in for a kiss, and Malia started crying."
Link's head drooped, "I love these two but I sure wouldn't mind them getting older a bit faster."


In the evening, Link and Zelda were waiting for their guests from Termina to arrive at Hyrule Castle. They had received word of them crossing the border about 2 hours ago, so they should be reaching shortly. They heard a knock on the door and a guard entered, "Your Majesties, they've arrived."

Link and Zelda went outside in the courtyard to greet them, and saw Princess Isabel at the front, along with several cloaked people exiting from their carriages behind her. The numbers surprised him a bit, but he didn't think too much of it. What he was looking forward to was meeting this mysterious 'advisor'.

"Dear brother!" Link sensed some sarcasm in her voice, "How are you?".
"Well, very well. And you? It must've been a long journey."
"Nonsense, I'm fine. Are these my nephew and niece?" She pointed to the kids who were with Zelda. As much as she wanted to hate Link, blame him for everything, she knew he was a good man. These little humans were her family, and that almost made her not want to go ahead with the plan.

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