Chapter 7

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"What?!" Exclaimed Link, he was shocked.

"Yes, you are Sheikah. And not just any Sheikah, you are Link Micah Forrester, the Sheikah Prince." And with that, Impa got down to one knee and bowed.

"No... How? How can i be- i dont understand, this is-"

"I know you are confused, and i'll explain it to you. This is the Story of 25 Years ago..."

The Sheikah were a warrior Clan, sworn to protect the Royal Family of Hyrule. They were led by King Micah Forrester and Queen Lana Forrester, they were great rulers, and they saw to it that nobody was suffering under their rule. They had just produced a heir to the throne, a boy. All was going well, until one fateful day. Ganondorf had understood his destiny. He knew that the bearer of the Triforce of Courage is Sheikah, so he came upon their village, Kakariko, and burned it down. All the Sheikah Warriors, told their families to flee, and fought as hard as they could, but they were no match for the Army of Ganondorf. The King fought Valiantly, he told the Queen to escape with their son. He tasked me and a few other Sheikah Soldiers to guard the Queen and their son with our lives. We obeyed without Question. We fleed with the Queen towards Castle Town, but Ganondorf's troops intercepted us. We all fought, even the queen. But alas, the queen and I were the only survivors. The Queen had been struck and she was very close to death. She told me that she would not make it and wanted me to take the boy to the nearest village and leave him with someone. I objected, because i thought that i could be a good guardian for the boy.

She replied, "Its not that i dont trust you Impa, you must know that. But i want my son, to grow up not knowing about what happened to his clan, i want him to have a happy childhood. Its inevitable, his destiny and i want you to tell him about it only when he is ready. Can you promise me that?"

"Of course, My Queen." I replied.

"Good" was all she said before kissing the boy on the forehead, handing him to me and taking her final breath.
I had failed My Clan. I was not able to carry out my King's Order. I was not fit to live. But the only reason i didnt end my life was because of the boy. I was determined to carry out my Queen's final wish. So i took the boy to the nearby village of Ordon, left him at the doorstep of a blacksmith, hoping that he would take good care of him and went onwards to Hyrule. I informed King Daphnes of what happened and he was taken aback. He was good friends with King Micah. He allowed me to work in the castle and i waited for the day, when the son of King Micah and Queen Lana would appear and i'd tell him of his destiny.

"And it so appears that the day has come. Welcome back, My Prince."

Link was taken aback. He couldn't believe what he had heard, maybe he wouldn't if it wasn't Impa who told him, because something about her definately seemed familiar.

"So... I am the Sheikah Prince?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Link was a little used to hearing that, being the Prince of Termina, but it didnt feel right to hear Impa saying that.
"Don't be so formal with me Impa."

Suddenly Link remembered about Zelda.

"Wait! Zelda! We need to save her."

"Yes we do, Link, but there is something i must teach you first. Its no secret that you are an exceptional fighter, quite like King Micah, Hylia rest his soul, but you must learn the way of the Sheikah."

"The Way of the Sheikah?"

"Yes, our way of fighting. We do not just fight with Swords, Spears and Shields, but with our Minds and Magic."

"So you are saying, i can do magic?!"

"Yes, its in the blood of every Sheikah. If you would give me the Honour, Your Highness, I would like to be the One to teach you. Otherwise if you wish-"

"There is no one I would rather learn from than you Impa." Said Link with a big smile. He had met Impa not longer than a few days ago, but he already felt that she was the closest thing to a mother he ever had."

"Thank You, Your Highness- Apologies, Link. Please rest today, we'll start your training from tomorrow morning." Impa Bowed, and exited the room.

Link finally understood his destiny. He had to Kill Ganondorf. The Sword chose him, the Godesses chose him. He realised that even though he had no family, he had many people who were as good as. He couldn't let them down. He couldn't let Impa down. He couldn't let Rusl down. He couldn't let Termina down. He couldn't let Hyrule down. He couldn't let the Sheikah down. He couldn't let Zelda down.

He couldn't let his Parents down...

And with that thought, he closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

A/N : Whoooooo! Another chapter down. Sorry for the really really short chapter but i only wanted this to be the truth about Link's past. He is Sheikah!!!! And he can use magic! And his mind in fighting... What does that mean? Telekinesis maybe? Who knows...

The plot is starting to get a lot more interesting now, this isnt just a Zelink story folks. And now you know Link's full name! I just took Foresster because i see it in a lot of FanFics. Link's actual real name is Link Link. I am not kidding, google it. Mario's name is also Mario Mario but that's off topic. I hope you liked this chapter and ill cya in the next one!

Also 700+ reads and 45+ votes, LETS GO!!!!

Word Count (Without A/N) : 865 Words, Short I know :(

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