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Princess Zelda Nohansen of Hyrule was about to give a speech, for the new recruits of the Royal Hyrulean Army. It wasn't a daunting task, she had been doing it for a few years now ever since her father decided she needed to be seen in the public eye as a leader.

"Heavens, look at the time! I need to get to the gardens."

On reaching the gardens, she saw her father, the King of Hyrule addressing the new recruits before her. Her eyes scanned over the bunch of young men standing in formation, until one caught her attention. Long and messy blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, it was enough to make the prettiest of maidens swoon.

Suddenly he looked up to catch Zelda's gaze. Immediately blushing, she looked away only for him to smile and her looking back at him sheepishly and returning it.

A woman turned in her sleep, a smile on her face.

The man wasn't any less starstruck either, her emerald green eyes, braided brown hair, and a beautiful purple gown, she was easily the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on. He smiled at her, causing her to blush which made him smile even harder, until he realized she was the Princess and reality came crashing down.

"Zelda...ahem ZELDA!"

Her father's voice pierced her thoughts like an arrow, perhaps reminding her of the reality of her situation, and she realized where she was and what she was supposed to do.

"It's time for your speech." he said with a look which all but told her to snap out of it.

Red-faced, she took the stage. How were these men supposed to look up to her after that. She looked at the men, clearly struggling to get any words out until her gaze fell on that warm smile again, and suddenly she could speak again.

"Dear children of Hylia" she began "Thank you for joining the Royal Hyrulean Army. Your courage and hardwork have led you to be here today. You all are very important to Hyrule and its future you strike fear in any foe's heart who dares challenge us. You all will make Hyrule proud, I'm sure of it. Each and every one of you..."

Even though words kept coming out of her mouth, it was mostly subconscious. Her real focus was still on that young Knight, daydreaming about things she wouldn't dare utter in front of her father.

"May the Goddesses smile upon you!"
Cheers and claps erupted as she concluded her speech, and she responded by raising her hand and smiling.

"KNIGHTS! TO YOUR BARRACKS!" ordered Jorulph, the captain of the Hyrulean Army.

As they exited, both the man and Zelda snuck one last look at each other without the other knowing. Both of them had the same thoughts on their mind, the other was gonna be hard to get out of their minds.

The woman turned again, still smiling


After a tiring day full of countless amounts of meetings, ceremonies and seminars, Zelda was more than happy to retire to her chambers. Her mother had passed away a few years ago, and her father had contracted the same incurable illness. He felt it was the end, and wanted to leave his daughter prepared to lead as he did not want the throne in some foreigner's hand who he would have to give Zelda's hand just because she was a woman. On this count, Zelda deeply admired him, he had gone against the council on this just for her.

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