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"Baek Yerin, Kim Yugyeom's soon to be girlfriend," BamBam smiled, speaking as if he was an announcer.
"Please, BamBam. Just shut up," Yerin sighed.
"Princess cursed!"

Then he ran away before she could do anything to him.

"Kids," Mark muttered, putting on his headphones despite the loud music of the club. I watched him, thinking if I should try to talk him or something. But he's probably just blow me off...

Someone tapped my left shoulder. I looked to my left, to see no one, so I looked at the other side, seeing Youngjae smiling childishly. I sighed and stared at BamBam and Yerin, who were teasing each other.

"Hey," he waved his hand in front of my face. "You okay?"
"I'm fine, Youngjae."
"You don't seem fine," he pressed his hand to my forehead. "Are you sick? Are you hurting anywhere?"
"I'm fine," I repeated. "But are you?"
"Look, if this is about Ah Yeon, then forget it. I'm over her already. It's been a long time,"

I looked at him.

"Why do you love performing?"
"That's a random question,"
"Still. Why?"
"I don't know. I grew to love the stage and all the bright lights, and singing..."

I nodded slowly.

"Oh shoot!" someone cursed out loud. I turned to look at the person. It was Mark. His eyes were wide and he was staring at his phone, before quickly getting up, slinging his bag over his shoulder, and running out.

"What's the deal with him?" Yerin questioned in her soft voice.
"He probably just forgot he had to do something," Jinyoung answered her.

BamBam had disappeared from Yerin's side so I'm betting he went to the dance floor again. Quoting Youngjae, he's going to hook up with some girls again and leave them at the end of the night. And I'm still wondering how an eighteen year old guy, who looks completely like an angel, can be so much like a playboy.

"Isn't your sister home by now?"
"It's a Saturday. I told her I was going to be sleeping over at a friend's house,"
"Nice! Artist girl is rebelling!"

I raised my eyebrows. What was this guy saying?

"What are you saying? Me? Rebelling?"
"You never lie. You never stay out. You never even say that! And for one thing, you drink now."
"I don't drink much. I only did that because of you,"
"I wouldn't have forced you to have a shot of alcohol. I just wanted you to know what it tastes like,"
"Exactly. Because of you."

He was silent for a while, before calling out for Jaebum, or anyone else at that rate since Jaebum didn't come.

"Jamie," he called.

I had spent enough time with them to know little things, like Jamie was Jimin's English name. That Yerin was from Canada. That the two were both sopranos and were planning to attend the same college Jaebum was at...

"Can you get BamBam for me? And please don't bring the girl he's flirting with. I don't want to see anyone except BamBam,"

She ran off and came back a while later, dragging BamBam by the arm. But I really don't get what's with Youngjae's sudden mood change.

"Bam, take Chorong back. She needs to sleep-"
"It's not even midnight!"
"Youngjae, I don't think you should just-"

It wasn't just a sentence. It was an order. I never Youngjae use that harsh tone before, and I don't think I'd want to hear it again. Ever. It honestly scared me a little.

BamBam let out a sigh and put his arm around my shoulder, leading me out of the club.

"Let's go,"

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