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"Okay, hold up!" he raised a hand to stop me from talking as he swallowed. "So you guys are back together?"
"Not exactly... Well... I don't think so..."

He studied my face for a few seconds before taking another piece of meat off of the grill and putting it in his mouth. I got a leaf and made a wrap for myself, putting the whole thing in my mouth.


Me? A chipmunk? I know I have a big mouth and that I can put a whole wrap inside my mouth, but that doesn't mean I'm a chipmunk!

I kicked him under the table.

"Sorry," he muttered, reaching under to rub the his leg.
"But moving on," I said. "How was Yoon Nara?"

I laughed and flashed him a peace sign, smiling innocently. He made a face and grabbed a piece, holding it to my mouth.

"Just eat,"
"Sorry, Bammie,"
"Shush," he made a wrap and placed it close to my mouth again. I ate it.

Seems like he doesn't want me to talk of her, from the way he keeps on making me eat.

"Do you want more?" I asked, swallowing.
"Nope," he shook his head. "I'm full already,"

I looked at the wall clock.

"We've been eating for two hours,"
"Not surprising," he shrugged.

We finished off the last few pieces and I paid for it before we got up and left.

"Tell me what she did,"
"She wouldn't let go of my arm the whole time and was practically begging me to ditch you and stay with her the whole day," he paused before rolling his eyes. "As if I'd ever ditch you for her,"
"Did you tell her that?"
"Of course!" he nodded.

I chuckled and hooked my arm through his.

"Bammie jjang!"
"You don't mean that, Rong," he said, but I could tell that he was happy.
"Yes, I do!"

And I noticed how that smile didn't melt off his face the whole time we were walking and talking together.

"Night~" I waved, smiling.
"Goodnight," he smiled back.

I bowed slightly to him before going back inside my house. I ran up the stairs and went straight to my window, where, of course, Youngjae was waiting.

He seems happy

A smile formed on my face.

He really doesn't like Yoon Nara

He raised his eyebrows as he held up his paper.

Who does?

He's right.

The truth hurts

He nodded.

Of course it does

It's nice to talk with him like this again. It feels really good.

I want to talk with you on the roof

No. Definitely not.

I shook my head, and I could see him pout. I averted my gaze.

Why not?? ~ >.<

Even aegyo in words? Seriously, Choi Youngjae...

You know I don't like it there

And I saw he's really writing down his aegyo...

-3- >.<

I shook my head, smiling at his actions.

I never heard about written aegyo before

He made a face at me.

Don't change the subject! >.<

Eyy... So childish

We were like that for a while, with him trying to convince me to go up to the roof with him, but in the end, I won. He eventually gave up because he realized I wouldn't change my mind.

It's late, you should go to sleep now

I smiled slightly as I scribbled down a reply

You, too, Jae. Sleep well ~

I looked up at him and with a smile on his face, he made a finger heart and gave me a flying kiss. I felt my cheeks heat up and I was really thankful it was dark.

Where did he learn to act like that? He's so sweet...

Thirty minutes, I crawled into my bed, a smile still on my lips. I never thought that those actions could make me smile for this long...

I was just lying there on my bed, wide awake and thinking about that flying kiss, when my phone vibrated, signaling I got a new text message.

From : Jaebum
Surprise guys! Jackson's coming back next week! Be ready! ^^


Yes, I know this is shorter than my usual chapters, but surprise!! Jackson's coming back ~ XD But anyway, how is this?? 좋아? ^_^
(I'm going to end this at 25 chapters and the last chapter will be short...)
OT : I just started a new BamBam fic :3 (yes, again XD) It'd be really nice if you guys would read it (and tell me what you think of it, too XD)

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