🌿 Just a New Day 🌿

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"I didn't see anything. I really didn't see anything.."

"You brat!!"

Cheng quickly hid the bunch of wild flowers and covered it with the bed sheet as if his life was depending upon it. He gulped for five times almost before he raised his voice against his naughty brother.

"Who told you to enter the house silently?"

"And who told my dear Gege to give flowers to invisible lady love inside the room? He could've just given it in the field itself. "

Xian said as he rubbed his forehead if he's deeply thoughtful for entering the room in the wrong time.

"You brat!! You even followed me to field."

"So you're accepting that she's your lady love."

Cheng averted his gaze towards the sky even though there wasn't any due to the presence of roof and started his futile argue again,

"When did I say that ? Nonsense."

"You're not denying too. Are you?"

"None of your business."

"Ayee Gege.. Your love life may not be my business, but the rice cakes in which you gave salt instead of sugar due to an absent mind is absolutely my business. "


"Tsk tsk.. I shouldn't have cleaned my ear today. Your voice is sounding too loud now."

This statement made Cheng literally out of words and to clutch his own hairs out of frustration.

"Gege! What are you doing? Don't you think she'll lose interest in you if you turn bald?"

"Where's my shoes! Where do they go! I really need them now."

"Mind me giving you mine?"

Cheng, being out of patience finally threw that bunch of wild flowers towards Xian which he previously brought and was practising to propose an invisible Qing inside the room. He threw the pillows towards him which Xian swiftly caught and dodged. And then finally threw the bed sheet by clustering it. But Xian being Xian caught it again and said,

"Are you sure Gege you're gonna manage to sleep tonight without these? If so then..."

Before Cheng could catch his ears he ran away from the room by making a mocking face. Cheng didn't follow his naughty brother instead picked up the thrown away things while arranging them again on the bed.

"This brat... Always manage to know everything...."

It was already night time when Xian was thinking of doing a major drama again regarding food. He was sneakily taking a glance towards his Gege who's silently having the congee lowering his head. Xian taking a spoonful of congee clicked his tongue which grabbed Cheng's attention towards him.

"So unlucky I'm.. I didn't even get the chance to eat tasty dumplings, such a mean Gege of mine. Forgot this small, little brother of his. Aiyssh.. and now this congee is so..spicy.."

"And since when does congee start to become spicy? Can I know, food shifu?"

"Well since then when my Gege turned to Cheng Cheng from only Cheng."

And this finally received him a smack from Cheng who's embarrassed as hell.

"You want me to die out of embarrassment or what?"

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