Chapter 24: Continued Leave

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--------Chapter 24: Continued Leave----

"Don't Ash; I'm really far from the mood for anything right now."

Ashley shook his head and crossed his arms as he looked at Juliet who was once again in a really bad mood.

"You wanna tell me what's going on with you?" he asked, Juliet just continuing to look away from him. "Is it 'cause Andy left two months ago? You pissed at me? What?"

"I don't wanna talk about Andy!" Juliet shouted at him, finally looking at him. "Ok? I don't wanna hear his name, I don't wanna talk about why he left, I don't wanna hear anything to do with him!"

"I'll take that as a yes then," Ashley said with a shake of his head. "Look Juliet, I'm sorry about all that, but you've gotta leave it the fuck behind; we've got more pressing matters than your feelings."

"Fuck off Ash," Juliet snapped, not looking at him again.

Ashley just shook his head.

"I knew I should've fucked off with Vic," he said with another shake of his head. "I shouldn't've bothered actually caring about your fucking survival. Where's that gotten me huh? Oh, that's right: nowhere!"

"You're free to leave whenever you want Ash; no-one's stopping you."

"Likewise," Ashley snapped before walking off.

Juliet just shook her head as Ashley headed away and over to Gates and Shawn, Cameron and Arin talking amongst themselves.

Jinxx, Jake, Jaime and Vic had all decided to leave and try their luck with less people, as they'd had enough. Vic had clearly stated to Gates that part of the reason he was leaving was because he was sick of everyone's attitude, especially Juliet's. Gates had reluctantly agreed and Jaime had decided that if Vic left, he would too.

Jinxx and Jake had agreed to come along, as they thought it'd be better and easier with less people. Ashley had been given the option to go with them, but he'd decided to stay because even though he was also sick of Juliet's attitude towards everyone, he didn't feel right about just leaving her here, even though she had four other guys looking out for her.

And now this was where he'd ended up; regretting not leaving when he'd had the chance.

Gates and Shawn looked over as Ashley came to a halt in front of them, feeling worn down and like he just needed to sleep for eternity.

"I'm seriously starting to get sick of her," he said seriously. "I'm honestly thinkin' of leaving in the morning."

Gates gave a nod of understanding; he couldn't get up and just leave Juliet, so he had no choice in the matter but to stay.

"Just make sure you look out for yourself, yeah?" Shawn said, Ashley giving a nod as Juliet headed over.

She came to a halt next to Ashley and the three of them looked at her. She sighed.

"Look guys, I don't wantcha all leaving," she said, Gates just standing with his arms crossed. "I heard what Ashley just said, so to keep you guys together, I've decided I'm gonna be the one to leave."

Shawn and Ashley stayed silent and Gates looked at her.

"You don't have to do that; we can all work this out," he said. "I don't wanna send you outta here."

Juliet shook her head. "It'd honestly be a lot easier for you guys without me here; I've made the decision, so I'll be gone by the morning."

Gates gave a nod, knowing there was no way of talking her out of leaving.

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