Chapter 11: Complications

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------------Chapter 11: Complications----

Ashley ran; it was all he could do. He was dragging Tony along behind him, but Tony was faltering; at this rate he wouldn't last long enough to make it back to the others.

When they were far enough away, they both slowed down and Tony pushed Ashley's hand off his arm and just stood there, bent over with his hands on his knees as he closed his eyes to try and calm down as they both tried to catch their breaths.

"C'mon, we have to keep going; they could easily catch up if we don't keep going," Ashley said, really worried for Tony but knowing there wasn't a lot he could do at this point in time.

Tony shook his head, staying in the same position and not even looking at Ashley as he responded, his voice shaky.

"I can't go back with you Ash; you gotta get everything back to 'em," he said, taking the backpack off his back and holding it out to Ashley, his arm shaking the whole time.

Ashley shook his head and Tony just dropped the bag down in front of where he was standing, not moving to hand it over or retake it.

"You gotta go," Tony said, looking up at him finally, a hint of sadness in his eyes now as he addressed Ashley, his tone sombre. "They need this stuff and if I go back with you, someone's gonna have to put a gun to my head man; I can't go with you."

Ashley shook his head again as he readjusted his backpack, hearing a few snarls from the walkers that seemed to be gaining on them; they needed to move off now or they'd both die. Tony just looked at him as Ashley came over to where he was and stopped near him, grabbing the backpack and then grabbing Tony by the arm, practically dragging him along as he walked.

"C'mon Ash, let me go," Tony complained, struggling as Ashley increased his grip on Tony's arm, intent on not letting him go. "You know what's gonna happen; let me go."

"No," Ashley said stubbornly as he continued to drag a struggling Tony along behind him. "I don't care about what happened back there, but I'm not leaving you, got it? Brian can decide what to do; it's not my place to leave you behind man."

Tony groaned before he just sighed and let Ashley drag him back to camp.


"I think I see them," Jinxx called as he saw someone heading their way. "I think it's Tony and Ash, but I'm not too sure."

Jaime looked up from the book he'd been reading for the past six months upon hearing Jinxx call out. They'd been walking the perimeter since the other four had left, and he'd gotten bored of it, so him and Jinxx had made a bit of a lookout area and were taking a bit of a break; a break that'd lasted about two hours or more, Jaime had lost count.

He stood up and put his book away before joining Jinxx and straining to see who was headed their way. It was hard to tell nowadays; most people looked the same from a distance. They hadn't heard anything from anyone in a couple of hours, and Jaime was just hoping everything had gone ok on the run; even Jake and Arin weren't back yet, and that had him a slight bit uneasy.

Jinxx whisted loudly; it was their way of making sure it was their people that they saw. When they heard the same response in return, Jinxx gave a nod.

"That's Ashley," he said as he picked up the gun he had siting by him before heading out to meet up with the other two.

Jaime followed along behind, keeping a bit of a watch as they met the others half way. Tony looked rather worn out and like he was about to collapse and Ashley looked slightly alarmed.

"What's happened?" Jaime asked as Jinxx handed him the second bag that Ashley'd been carrying; that certainly wasn't a good sign.

He watched as Jinxx helped Ashley help Tony as they headed past and began heading back to camp where hopefully Arin and Jake had arrived back to.

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