Chapter 29: Coming to an Agreement

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--Chapter 29: Coming to an Agreement-

"You ever gonna leave?" Andy asked as he sat on the bed in the cell, his back to the wall as he faced Ashley who was still in the same position, sitting with his back against the wall on the other side of the room.

"Not 'til we talk 'bout this properly and get to a decent agreement," was Ashley's response, his gaze still on Andy who was staring at him from across the room.

Andy just continued to watch him, not saying anything in return; he didn't really want to talk to Ashley right now, or ever for that matter. There was no way he was about to forgive him for what he'd done, but he also knew that Juliet was also partially to blame for it as well; it went two ways, so he couldn't really just put the blame on Ashley.

But Ashley wasn't about to leave just yet, so there was only one way to get his presence away from Andy, and if it was the only way, Andy was about to take it; he just wanted to be by himself at the moment, and he needed to get Ashley off his back.

"Alright then; let's talk," Andy said, his expression and tone remaining the same, both of them staring at each other from their positions in the small cell. "What'd you wanna talk about?"

Ashley hesitated, mostly caught off guard by Andy suddenly accepting his proposal to talk about the tension between the two; it was evident within the room and Ashley just wanted it to go away. He also knew that Andy wanted him to go and leave him in peace.

"I just wanna talk 'bout all this shit," Ashley said after a bit of hesitation, still feeling a bit uncomfortable under Andy's cold stare; did he really hate him that much now? "I know I fucked up, and I wanna talk 'bout it so you know what really happened."

"Ever think that I don't really wanna know what really happened?" Andy asked seriously, Ashley seeing a flash of sadness in his eyes. "Isn't knowing that you fucked my girlfriend enough?"

Ashley returned the sad look as Andy finally broke the stare and looked down, playing with one of the bracelets on his wrist; Ashley was sure he knew which one it was.

"Look Andy, I know I fucked up; it wasn't Juliet's fault, it was mine," he said, his tone displaying the sadness; he truly was sorry about it. "Juliet'll tell you otherwise, but it's really my fault."

Andy sighed and shook his head.

"Look Ash, I respect that 'cha told me," he said quietly. He looked up and met Ashley's gaze again "But I honestly dunno what to say to you about it; I know it's over between me and Juliet and nothing you say is gonna be able to fix it. I just wanna move on and be left by myself for a bit."

Ashley continued to look at him sadly; he felt bad about everything and now Andy basically didn't want anything to do with him, or well, that's the way it seemed. Andy's gaze remained down as he stayed silent. Ashley watched as he removed the bracelet he'd been playing around with from his wrist and tossed it to Ashley.

"Keep it; I don't wanna wear it anymore."


Vic frowned as he saw Ashley walk out past him, heading back outside; he hadn't seen any of him since he'd gone to apologise to Andy, but he looked fine. A bit down, but nonetheless fine. Well, besides from the marks and bruises he had from when Andy'd attacked him before that was.

Getting up from where he'd been sitting, Vic dashed out after Ashley to see what was up; had Andy accepted his apology, or was there more to it? Vic hadn't seen Juliet since last night, and he just hoped that she'd taken his advice and not gone to apologise to Andy; if she was smart, she'd wait.

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