Chapter 15: Another Incident

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--------Chapter 15: Another Incident----

"I heard the gunshot," Gates said as they approached and he continued to stare into the distance. "I'll take it you guys buried Tony."

Ashley gave a nod as Juliet stayed just behind him.

"Jaime had to shoot him this morning."

Gates gave a nod, but didn't say anything in response. Ashley looked to Juliet who just gave a shrug and stayed near him, holding onto his arm so she couldn't lose him. Ashley sighed.

"Brian, look," he began, making Gates look away from where he was staring to look at him. "We...need you back man; we've waited and you haven't returned, so we're here to bring you back. We dunno whatcha want us to do man."

Gates sighed, clearly worn down, but not looking as bad as he had yesterday; maybe being away from the group for over twenty-four hours had done him good.

"God this would've been easier if Matt hadn't left," he muttered to himself. "He would've known what to do..."

Ashley looked at him sadly as Gates continued to look away.

"Do you want Jake or me to take over for a bit?" he asked.

Gates hesitated, but gave a nod. "I think that'd be best Ash; I'll let everyone know when we get back."

Ashley gave a nod and held his hand out to him. Gates looked at it for a few seconds before accepting it and letting Ashley help him to his feet. Once Gates was on his feet, Ashley spoke.

"We'll, uh, meetcha back there in 'bout an hour; Juliet and I were gonna go for a scout of the area, make sure nothin's lurkin'," he said, Juliet nodding in agreement.

They both saw the slight suspicion on Gates' face, but he gave a nod and dismissed it.

"Don't be too long; you and Jake are probably gonna end up in charge; don't wantcha setting a bad example," he instructed.

Ashley gave a nod to indicate he understood and he and Juliet both watched as Gates headed off.


"You're fucking kidding; we're heading out, right?"

Andy shook his head, seeing the displeasure on Ronnie's face as he broke the news about the herd to them all. Ronnie wasn't the only one unhappy with this decision.

"It's not my call; Rick's the one in charge," Andy said, looking around at the other seven in his group; Matt was off telling Rick about the threat headed this way. "We go by what he says now."

Ronnie shook his head. "That's bullshit; since when?"

"Since now," Andy snapped back, getting sick of Ronnie's attitude towards every situation. "I don't give a fuck if you lot don't like it; that's how it is now and that's how it's gonna stay!"

Ronnie just shook his head.

"You're unbelievable," was all he said before he walked off, Ryan in tow.

Andy just stood there with his hands on his hips and his gaze down as Vic and Mike walked off as well to do God knew what. CC watched as they walked off, Zacky just staying put.

"Don't listen to what Ronnie's sayin'," CC said, seeing that Andy was slightly pissed off with that reaction. "He just doesn't like any decision he doesn't make."

Andy just shook his head and walked off as well. CC watched sadly as Andy headed away and Zacky and Johnny looked to him.

"You think he'll be ok?" Zacky asked as CC watched Andy sit down where he was on the hill, putting his head in his hands.

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