Chapter 6: Lost

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--------Chapter 6: Lost----

"You've gotta be kidding," Ashley said as he looked around at the landscape in front of him and the other two. He looked back to them as the woods stretched on for miles. "Any idea when we lost 'em?"

Both Jake and Jinxx shook their heads. It was still dark, but there was a bit of light coming through the trees that surrounded the three. Ashley looked around again, cursing to himself.

They had no idea where abouts they were right now, and they'd lost the other three sometime during the night. The three of them had no idea about the last time they'd seen Andy, CC and Johnny, and now Ashley was becoming frustrated.

"I can't believe we lost them; I can't believe it," he repeated to himself, still looking around.

"Alright Ash, keep it calm," Jinxx said, Ashley looking at him. "We may as well head back the way we came and see if we can find 'em. We'll go back to the road and follow it as far as we can. We'll find 'em; just gotta backtrack a bit."

Ashley seemed unconvinced, but he didn't have much of a choice, as the other two were already heading away from where he was currently standing. He sighed to himself and began walking after them, not wanting to be left behind to fend for himself.


"Y'think the others're ok?" Arin asked as he caught up to Gates, Juliet making sure she kept them both in sight.

"Sure," Gates said, his focus in front of him as he didn't slow his pace. "Why not."

Arin could tell Gates wasn't in the mood for small talk right now, so he just slowed his pace and walked alongside Juliet, letting Gates take the lead for them. Gates had taken charge of their small convoy, and Arin was kind of glad for it. There was no way he'd be able to be a leader. He was just some kid from a town that somehow ended up with a rather successful band. Who was he to take charge?

It was early morning, and they'd set off at least an hour ago. After spending the night in one of the abandoned cars they'd come across, Arin was a bit sore, as he'd had to sleep in the back with Gates. They'd both decided that Juliet shouldn't have to sleep next to either of them, as it would make them all feel uncomfortable, and anyway, Gates and Arin knew each other, so it wasn't as awkward.

Juliet hadn't said much over the past day that they'd been travelling, and Arin was just hoping she was ok. He figured that she was probably just worried about what's-his-name; her boyfriend. Arin didn't really know anyone in that band; Black Veil Brides? He couldn't even remember the name.

He knew they were nice guys; he just didn't know who they actually were. Arin tried to think back to the last time he'd actually spoken to any of the guys in that band, just letting his mind wander a bit. He came up short though; unable to think of when he spoke to anyone in any of the bands that were on the tour with them. What were the names of the other few bands? Falling Forwards? Slipping Backwards? He honestly couldn't remember.

"You two're awfully quiet back there," Gates said, his focus still on the road that stretched out in front of them.

"Huh?" Arin said, having to snap back into reality as Gates spoke.

Juliet just shook her head, slightly amused that Arin had zoned out. Gates didn't say anything back, and Arin frowned. What'd gotten him in such a bad mood today? Maybe it was because they'd had to leave, as Matt and Zacky hadn't shown up. Maybe it was some other reason? Arin didn't know.

"So..." he began, looking at Juliet as they wandered along behind Gates who seemed to have picked up his pace a slight bit. Juliet looked back at him. "How's's everything...?"

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