Chapter 1: Getting out of Town

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--------Chapter 1: Getting out of Town----

Vic had come to the conclusion that something wasn't right as he came to a halt, looking at the light-bulb as it flickered for a few seconds before completely going out, the four of them were plunged into darkness. He heard someone sigh.

"Well that's great," he heard Tony say.

A small piece of light lit up over where the other three were, as Mike had unlocked his phone. Vic saw him look over, still unable to really see his other two friends.

"No service; towers must be down," Mike said, making Tony sigh.

The light disappeared and they were all in darkness again.

"So what're we gonna do?" Jaime asked, breaking the silence that had fallen between them all.

"I guess we wait?" Mike responded, sounding rather unsure at his own statement.

"We'll wait 'til morning," Vic said confidently. "If there's nothing by then, we need to find a way outta town and somewhere else."


Andy looked up at the lights as they all flickered and completely went out.

"Fuck," he heard Ashley say. "Now what? What're we meant to do without any light?"

"Just keep it cool man," CC said as Andy unlocked his phone to give them all a bit of light, even if it wasn't much.

"No service," he said, only just able to see Ashley and CC, as Jake and Jinxx must've been just out of the light's range. "Towers must be down."

"Well that's just great," Ashley said with frustration, Andy watching as he stood up and disappeared into the dark. "How're we meant to call anyone or whatever you do with that phone?"

Jinxx appeared at the edge of the light, catching Andy slightly off guard, as he'd been letting his mind wander a bit. Jinxx looked at him.

"You call Juliet earlier?" he asked quietly, making Andy realise that he couldn't contact his girlfriend to make sure she was alright. "You know where she is? Make sure she's ok? Safe even?"

"No," Andy said, looking down at his phone and hoping to get a bit of service so he could check in with Juliet.

"Man, we don't even know what's goin' on right now," CC said, a bit of worry and sadness displayed on his face. "We don't know where anyone is or what's goin' on outside these walls."

"Could be anything," Jinxx said not-so-helpfully, looking to CC who just returned the look. "Everyone could be dead for all we know."

"Oh yeah, a real comforting thought Jeremy," Andy said with a frown, slightly annoyed that he'd even say that. "Way to make us all feel better 'bout what's going on!"

Jinxx just looked to him before he just shrugged and stepped back into the darkness again. Andy sighed and put his head in his hands as CC sat down opposite him.

"C'mon Andy; cheer up," he said with an attempted smile.  "It's not all that bad, right? I mean, it could be worse. You've still got us."

Andy lifted his head a slight bit and caught CC's gaze. CC attempted another smile, but Andy just wasn't feeling it. He put his head back in his hands and mentally hit himself for not calling Juliet like he normally would if something went wrong. There'd been so much going on at the time that he hadn't even given her a thought and now he felt responsible if something bad had happened.

CC looked over to Jake who'd stepped into the small area of light. Jake just shrugged and CC looked back to Andy who didn't move.

"We'll make it outta here tomorrow sometime," he said hopefully, trying to get the other four in a better and more hopeful mood. "As soon as the sun comes up tomorrow, we'll figure out a way to get outta here and outta town."

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