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Yanfei pov:

My head hurts, why you may ask. It's because I stayed up all night researching and trying to find leads to where this serial killer could be.

Her full name was Hu Tao, there was no known reason why she was killed. Well, to be honest, there was so little known about her. All we know is that her father left when she was 5 and her mother got married to another female. She was also 19,just like me.

Why would a 19 year old kill?
And why is she not caught?

Bennet:" Yanfei, any tracks yet? It would be super cool if we got her within a month!"

Bennet was one of my juniors, he was only a year younger than me but acted like he was still a teen. He is also very unlucky so most of the older people didn't want him to be their partner, so I was stuck with him. But I didn't mind it since he was actually fun to be around

Yanfei:" sorry Bennet, I haven't seemed to get anything"

Bennet:" it's probably my luck.."

Yanfei:" we've been partners for 1 year now and solved many cases. This one is just diffucult"

Bennet:" Alright ill trust you, there's no reason to give up!"

Yanfei:" Bennet can I ask you something?"

Bennet:" Sure!"

Yanfei:" If you were a serial killer why would you kill?"

Bennet:" I don't know... Why you asking?"

Yanfei:" I'm just trying to solve the case "

Bennet:" Why not take a break? Wanna go out for some coffee to refresh our brains "

Yanfei:" coffee would be good, but do you have your wallet? "

Bennet:" lemme check"

He looks around in his pockets and just like I predicted, he did not have his wallet. Of course, he's that unlucky, poor Bennet.

Bennet:" aww sorry"

Yanfei:" it's alright, don't sweat it. Maybe we can take a stroll"

Bennet:" awh yea! Also didn't one of the documents say the killer likes operating in the forest?"

Yanfei:" oh yes, how did I miss that. Thanks for reminding me Bennet"

Bennet:" haha no problem!"

We chatted whilst we headed toward the forest, it was walking distance from the apartment that was rented out for Bennet and I.

Usually renting out an apartment with the opposite gender would be a really big thing, since they probably think we sleep together. Well that would be the case is Bennet wasn't Pansexual and male leaning. He also has a boyfriend named Razor.

Once we arrived at the forest it was dead silent, aside from the birds chirping and the leaves rustling.

Bennet:" Yanfei, you think this is safe"

Yanfei:" I got a gun"

Bennet:" what-"

Yanfei:" don't worry, I've got a permit"

Bennet:" Oh"

Yanfei:" let's go"

We headed into the dark abyss of forest that was directly in front of us. Bennet seemed silently frightened whilst I was calmer. It was probably cause I didn't believe that there would be a serial killer lurking in this forest.

We walked for about an hour but of course. There was no sign of a serial killer or anything abnormal about the forest. It was just a calm undisturbed forest.

It was all good until everything went silent...

Bennet:" yanfei-"

Yanfei:" shush there's a predator nearby"

Bennet tenses up whilst I put my hand in my pocket and tightly grip the pistol in preparation to shoot whatever was here.

I waited for whatever it was to dash out at us. But there was no movement from anywhere around us. I didn't move but then, it felt like a light bulb appeared above my head.

Yanfei:" Bennet, let's split up"

Bennet:" but that's how it goes down in the horror movies!"

Yanfei:" trust me okay?"


He heads away and disappears into the darkness. I heard a whispering come from in front of me and suddenly..

Something attacks me which causes me to fall over into a stack of branches which was located behind me.

I grabbed my gun and pointed it toward...
A female?
She had brown hair with redden tips and she had crimson red eyes. She was so pretty, her eyes were like an ocean where I could just get lost in. Her hair looked well kept and soft. I wonder if her skin is as soft as her hair.. Wait what am I thinking

???:" Hello there! Here let me help you"

The woman helped me up and I thanked her.

Yanfei:"Wait, who are you?"

???:" Just a traveler! I saw you and I decided to spook you"

Yanfei:" oh uhm what's your name"

???:"  Ava Rose! What's your name??"

Yanfei:" nice name, I'm yanfei"

Ava:" Are you alone, no?"

Yanfei:" I'm not alone with I'm with my friend Bennet"

Ava:" oooo, you got a boyfriend??"

Bennet:" Uhm Y-yanfei, wait who's this"

Yanfei:" This is Ava Rose, she's a traveler"

Bennet:" Oooo! A new friend, I'm Bennet"

Ava:" Hehe, anyway it's time I take my leave"

Bennet:" See ya"

Yanfei:" Bye"

Ava:" also...here"

Ava hands me a folded piece of paper, when our hands touch I get flustered slightly. Ava was a beautiful female but is this her true self?

Ava:" It's my phone number! Text me, hehe"

With that Ava was gone as quick as she came. Bennet and I shared confused looks but shrugged it off. It was time for us to go and everything seemed to be alright since the birds were singing and the crickets were chirping.

Once we were out of the forest we headed our own ways. Bennet probably went to his best friend, I was going back home to the apartment.

When I was inside I just went on my phone and was going to text Ava. She was very suspicious though, she looked was from here. Maybe she was from another part of Liyue?

Maybe I should research Ava Rose, wait no I shouldn't. She's probably a normal prankster.


Sooooooooo I made this cause the other yantao book is almost finished. Jk, it still has alot more to go. I made this so that I can't forget this idea
This book is kinda following the enimes to lovers troupe and the forbidden romance troupe
Edit 27/9: changed Bennet and razor to best friends

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