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"I don't know if I'm in the right place to say this but I don't think we'll survive if we stay here for too long. We'll either die of dehydration or something else, or get sick of each other, literally."

Hu Tao announces coldly, grabbing the one of the guns that were laid on the ground and shifting toward the exit of the cave. Yanfei raised an eyebrow, gazing toward the other with confusion evident in her emerald green eyes. Well.. She was feeling a whole lot of emotions at this moment, but she buried it under something simple.

"What do you think your digging at Hu Tao, are you saying we should separate and leave this cave? Or what? Because I did NOT risk my whole career for you."

Yanfei basically yelled, she didn't know what got to her. But this was all a wreck of emotions, this whole case. She didn't know how or what to feel. Especially after Bennett.

" I never said we're going to split up. I'm not confining myself to this self isolation. If I wanted that then we might as well hand our selves over."

Their eyes meet up, both filled with anger. Hopefully they both make it out alive with that amount of anger in one small cave.

" well I think I'll be going for a walk. "

Yanfei moved toward the exit, with hu tao haste fully blocking it. She couldn't let the other leave with a threat of the police arresting both of them.

"What are you doing.. Forget it. Forget us ever being friends I don't know why I sided with some psychopathic bitch like you. I knew you would get us both killed in one way or another. Just let me go."

Hu tao was offended, she didn't know what to do or how to respond. Her crimson eyes noticed the gun in her hand, suddenly all she saw was red.

Yanfei widened her emerald green eyes as the weapon was pointed to her. Being pushed against her forhead. Her heart started poundihg out of her chest. She wonders if Hu Tao could hear it. She gazed around the small dark space for help, but there was nothing.

"Okay I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say anything of that. It just came out in a rage-"

"-Can you just shut up. All you ever do is whine and be dramatic. You should realize the world does not revolve around you and that you made your own live dramatic. I can't believe I stuck around you and actually thought you cared. Because I actually genuinely liked you. I thought you felt the same way. Guess I was wrong."

Hu Tao puts her fingers to the trigger, pressing the gun against yanfeis head. She wondered what would happen next. She didn't even know how to respond because one wrong move could get her brains blast out and she would not be on this earth anymore.

The other option was to promise falsely and run for her life then she could tell the police. If they'll believe her. They'll probably arrest her too. She's a wanted criminal at this point. All eyes on her. She hated this. She regrets everything, but at the same time. Doing without thinking can be thrilling at times.

But if she had to think this whole situation out. She could've still been alive and her reputation wasn't ruined. But she knew Hu Tao would come for her either way. It's a loose loose situation. No matter what she had done, she would've lost in this situation and made a decision she regretted.

She snapped back to reality, realizing the gun was still at her head. And she had to respond in someway that wouldn't cut her life short. And she had to think of this fast. She doesn't know what Hu Tao will do next.

"Listen I do care. I've always cared. But the thing is I act without thinking I do it all the time. I'm sorry Hu Tao. I'm sorry for everything.. I regret it all."

Yanfei tightly closed her eyes. Hoping that Hu Tao wouldn't pull the trigger. Praying silently that nothing would happen.

The cave turned silent. Way too much thoughts crossed Yanfeis mind, as she slowly opened her eyes. Silently hoping everything is a dream. But that obviously wasn't the case as the surroundings were exactly the same.

"Leave. Leave and never return. Don't say a word to anyone or else you'll be my next victim. I'm warning you, steer clear of the police for me too."

Hu Tao says, in calm tone of voice. The other was shocked, but kept a poker face up. Nodding as a gun was handed to her.

Hu Tao removed herself from the exit, letting sunlight once again into the cave. Yanfei headed through the gap, brightly grinning at her ex murder friend, Hu Tao.

"Goodbye Hu Tao, I had fun. See you again in another life maybe."


"Goodbye Yanfei."



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