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"why did you choose to see me after so long?"

Yanfei asks. Hu Tao shrugged her shoulders. They were walking through the outskirts city together." it wasn't a choice. My brain was just forcing me to come here." Hu Tao mutters. Yanfei rolled her eyes. "basically it was a choice."

"what's up with you anyway? You look.. Stinky"

Hu Tao commented. Yanfei raised one eyebrow. "I've been taking care of myself....for the most part." She says that last part under her breath. Hoping the other didn't hear that part. She did though. She has good ears. Although acted if she hadn't heard anything. She wasn't in the mood for that conflict. Or if Yanfei was trying to draw attention to herself once again. Whatever, whichever one of her schemes it is this time. It won't work.

"I'm not saying that. You just look alot different from before. I'm saying you look worse."

Hu Tao stared at Yanfei. The other had a confused look on her face. It seemed as if she was trying to interpret what the other meant. She felt as if there were a hidden message behind those words." I'm not a villain. There's nothing to decipher about what I've just said."

"that alone is confusing."

Yanfei mutters. Hu Tao rolls her eyes. "if you have nothing important to say, then fuck off and go back to where you came from." Hu Tao sternly says. Yanfei doesn't remember her being like this. Something must've happened in this time period they didn't speak. "Yanfei, I don't know why you look that why but we aren't teenagers anymore. Grow up."

"I'm sorry."

Yanfei looked down at her palms. She felt so wrong. She wished she didn't come here. She was silently regretting all of her choices. "I hope you know I don't hate you. I'm just disappointed in your actions." Hu Tao admitted. "I know. I want to fix things." Yanfei says.

Hu Tao felt bewildered. Is there even a way to fix that? She felt like it's impossible. She decided to not voice her thoughts. Keeping quiet. Maybe hearing Yanfei out can alter her thoughts. Even though she knows she's set on one path.

"so where do we start?"

Hu Tao decided on speaking up. Turning her head to face the other. She honestly had no clue. She way too many questions. She hoped that she could get answers to all of them. "we have all the time in the world." Hu Tao reassured Yanfei. "the walls have ears y'know ."  it was something Yanfei learned over the time of living here.

"wha—"  "—don't ask too much."

Hu Tao didn't know how to feel about the information she just learned. She knew Yanfei met it figuratively. But a small part of her wishes it was meant litterally. Okay maybe not a small part her. A bigger part wishes it was meant in a different way.

"can I take you somewhere?"

"to murder me? Sure I'm up for it. It better not be the railway road."

Yanfei didn't respond. She started walking in a random direction. Tao looked around. Realizing that she should probably be following the other. She looked forward. Noticing the other was a few yards infront of her.

She did an awkward jog forward. Dodging the small groups of people. Apologizing to whoever she bumped into. Yanfei was waiting for her. Looking back at her. She had this annoyed look on her face. Tao remembered this look. She always had this around Bennett.

Tao tried to leave those thoughts behind. She now found herself standing infront of what looks like a low cost building. Yanfei walked in without hesitation. Tao didn't know how to feel about this place. She followed Yanfei. Hoping that being with the pink haired girl will keep her from any troubles.

Inside was a room that tao assumed was the lobby. It was dimly lit by a light hanging from the celling. The bulb seemed to be close to fusing and the wire used didn't seem to be secure. There was a desk where one assumed a beautiful apartment worker would be sitting but there was simply no one.

A few shards of broken glass covered the floor. As well as some glass bottles which seemed to belong to different alcoholic beverages. Wires ran across the celling. Even the floor. The electric work was terrible. Despite all of these factors. The place still seemed fairly clean. There wasn't an investigation of any sort, nor mold growing anywhere.

Tao was shocked. Yanfei snapped her out of her train of thoughts by walking towards the elavtor. Tao followed behind her. But quickly stopped noticing how much of a bad shape the elevator seemed to be in. "Uhh are you sure we won't die in this elevator??" tao asked. Yanfei stepped into it. "come in you pussy."

Yanfei dragged tao in with her. Tao looked around. It was small inside. Dust covered the walls. The buttons seemed to be rust covered. Tao felt a shiver run down her spine. Watching the doors close with a creaky noise. Yanfei clicked one of the buttons.

Tao felt nervous. The elevator shook slightly then began heading up. Metal noises were heard. Accompanied by gears turning. Now this was nerve wrecking.

Finally. After what felt like eternity. They reached the floor. The doors slowly creaked open. Tao bolted out of there. She couldn't take it any longer. Yanfei said nothing. She walked down the long hallway and toward a door. Unlocking it. Tao followed and entered the room.

It was small. Yet well kept. Expected for someone like yanfei. Tao wasnt surprised. She didn't get much time to look around when she felt a touch to her shoulder. She jumped. Turning to face yanfei. "I never expected you to turn out to be so different." yanfei confessed.

"I decided to live a normal life. A life with justice rather than mischief all the time. I got sick of it ."

Tao responded. Yanfei bit her lip. "it seems we're much different now." yanfei says. Tao shrugged her shoulders. Walking over to a coach. Sitting down as if she belonged here. "making yourself at home so quickly?"

"well, but of course my love."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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