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"Yanfei, again I'm sorry for Bennett.. I know you two had some sort of special connection. One that me and you could never have."
I say, walking behind the former detective as we went into the forest.
She just remains silent as I follow her, backup on my back as I stare at the ground which was mainly made up of tall grass.

" Hey look I'm sorry, I don't know if I'm being annoying but I didn't mean to be like that back then. We can get off on a fresh start."
I say, but again silence from Yanfei as we go deeper into the forest,
I look around a notice a small yellow flower growing nearby a tree so I decided on grabbing it.

" This will look pretty in your hair. You should wear it. "
I stood right in front of her with the flower, her teal eyes met up with mine. It felt as if my heart skipped a beat. She then looked behind me and muttered 'perfect'

I was confused, but Yanfei just pushed past me. Why is she suddenly so rude?
I ran after her as she walked ahead then finnaly stopped,

"Done ignoring me now? You know this is a team effort not just you alone right?!"
She finnaly turns around, her lips turn into a small smile.
"I'm so sorry I was just looking for the perfect place where they won't find us and we can set up camp."
Yanfei says as she places down all her bags with supplies in it.

"Well let's get this camp started!"

- (after about 3 hours of setting up camp)

I fell onto the floor in a relief, it felt as if I just built my own house without building it.

"Hu Tao, you alright?"

(italics mean flashback)

"hey Hu Tao are you alright?"
My best friend, zhongli asked as we finished building our fort out of sticks and logs.
I was laying on the grass, totally exhausted.
"Hu Tao?"


"Hu Tao who was that boy you were hanging out with?"
The male who I dare call my father asks me, his tone serious as he held something sharp. I couldn't tell what it was.

"It's just a friend I swear-!"
A stream of tears rolls down my face as my vision glows blurry and a huge impact followed by a pain comes to my head.


it's cold, so cold..

"Wake up"


"Hey are you okay???"
Yanfei questions, the most concerned look on her face.
It was so dark and cold, where am I?
"Hu Tao? Hey, hey? Stay up stay up!"

I slowly open my eyes, looking around, we're still outside. Why?
I lifted myself up, slowly as I saw my surroundings.
"what happened?"
Yanfei stares at me with the most concerned expression I've ever seen.

"You looked like you were deep in thought and didn't respond to anything, so I got concerned I'm sorry, let's go inside it's cold here.."

I just nodded as she helped me inside the tent were it was much warmer,
"Can you explain to me. What happened, what did you see? I want to help you. With whatever you still are going through, I want to show them that your not the bad person they think you are."

I sighed and just flopped onto the mattress that was in the tent having no idea what Yanfei just said and not caring enough.

I muttered a whole bunch of gibberish as my face was buried into the warm blankets on the bed.
Yanfei sat beside me, asking if I needed anything and I just shrugged in response.

I sit up, moving closer to Yanfei.
"I'm sorry for being so annoying earlier, it's no wonder you ignored me."

"If you were annoying I wouldn't have spoken to you now"

"oh, is that so?"
I ask, she just nodds.
"Well If I became the most annoying person on earth what would you do?"

"ill still treat you the same, you're my friend."
She says, seeming abit confused but let this conversation continue to see what happens.
"Oh, so we're just friends?"

"what is that supposed to mean?"

"it doesn't matter, but...
Are there bears in this forest?"


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