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I let out a long sigh. Placing a book down on the table. A blank stare coming from directly infront of me, well. I was in fact actually gazing at myself in the mirror located near my bed.

I flopped down onto my the company of my warm comfortable bed with soft sheets. It was the best thing I have in my lonely apartment. Yeah, it was just me. Myself and I. Unfortunately. Or fortunately.?

I had no friends. Being forced to live off from paycheck to paycheck. But that's only because my name is cleared here. If it wasn't. I'd most likely be dead by now. Multiple years of studying. All thrown down the drain for some random criminal chase.

I felt disappointed at that thought. Since look where I am now. Struggling to make ends meet. When I know life could've been better. I'm barely staying alive. It's not like I want to be alive anyway.

Although last night I had this stupid dream. I tried my best to forget. But it just didn't want to go away. I honestly just wish it did. The dreamwas about my ex friend, Hu Tao. Most of the dream now has been a remnant of the past. The main thing I remember hearing a strange voice telling me to reconcile with her.

The dream actually occurred for a week. It was so annoying. So I decided to go seek out help. Assuming it could be a sign of some sort. I don't believe in that nonsense though.

I doubt he'll actually came through. He seems like a fraud. Even if he did would Hu Tao want to speak to me. Who would anyways? She probably hates my guts. I don't care honestly. If it weren't for that dream. She would've been something of the past.

I found myself staring straight down at my phone. The messenger app being open on screen. Having only old contacts saved. Most of them I ghosted. I scrolled down to see the name 'Ava<3'. Staring blankly at it for a few seconds. I know it definitely has been disabled by now. It's been so long.

I scroll through our old conversations. A nostalgic feeling came back. As well as memories flooded back. Both of us being so happy at that time. It made me realize how much I hated life now. I missed those times.

As I continued to read the messages. My phone vibrated. It was a message from a number I didn't recognize. I stared at it for a few seconds. A shocked expression displayed on my face. Who would want to text me?


???: 👋

Yanfei: who's this?

???: not even a hey? A wave emoji back?? Maybe how are you??? Nothing. No human decent and kindness. You're so rude 😢

Yanfei: ok? I don't even know you. Why are you texting me?

???: I have no clue 🤷‍♂️ would you like to meet up 😏

Yanfei: that's just so weird

???: I don't think so 🤷‍♂️ you never know

Yanfei: you're just randomly messaging me and asking to meet up?? I litterally never seen you before in my life

???: that hit hard 😭😭 But I actually think you wanna see me

Yanfei: what's that supposed to mean?

???: Agree to meet up with me and you'll see 😏😏

Yanfei: ok, where and when?

???: 5pm at the restaurant down town. Hopefully you're smart enough to know where that is 💀

Yanfei: what?? that's in a half an hour??

???: no shit sherlock , I never knew 😜 it's not like I can't read time


I put down my phone. Wondering what that was about. I try to not think much of it as I got ready. I threw on a sweatpants accompanied by a random baggy hoodie I had in my drawer.

I made sure to lock the door of my apartment as I headed out. The restaurant wasn't too far from my apartment so I could just walk. I plugged in my earphones and blasted random music on my walk.

After two songs had played I got to my location. I looked around. It looked shady. Not much people were here. I plugged out my earphones. Getting ready to message the strange person.

I leaned against the wall. Pulling out my phone. I opened the messanger app. Opening the contact of the unknown number and typing a message. As I was about to click send I heard the sound of footsteps. I paused and looked around.

A few meters away from me stood a figure.  They were around my height, maybe a few centimeters shorter. They were wearing all black. A black hoodie. With their hood over their head. The shade from that covering their face.

I stared at the figure. They began approaching me. A nervous feeling overtook me. Is this seriously the strange person? I knew I shouldn't have trusted this person. I decided on standing still. Watching the figure come closer and closer to me.

I was frozen in fear. They were now just one meter away from me. I still couldn't make out any dominant features. Maybe it was the fact that it was night. The dim lighting coming from the surrounding street lights didn't make it any better.

They took a few more steps forward. My breathe hitched. Now I could make out something. Long beautiful eyelashes, seeming to belong to a female. Alongside big crimson red eyes staring right back at me. I yelped upon noticing it. Taking a few steps back.

"you said you wanted to see me. I have no clue as to why you're so scared."

An unexplainable feeling overtook me. The sound of her voice was like music to my ears. At the same time it was painful. It felt like I could rip off my ears at the sound of it. "is that...really you.. After all this time?" my voice was soft. I could barely speak. My heart was beating out of my chest.

I watched intently as she removed her hood. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This was definitely her.

Hu Tao.


A small a/n to end of this chapter. Also a mini apology.
Im so sorry for not updating this book. Life just caught up to me🦧and I stopped playing genshin as much as I used to. But now I'm getting back into it after a long needed break.
I'll be trying to update this book as much as possible. And to whoever is still reading, id like to thank you for being patient <3

{ also manifesting me to get freminet, I rlly want him lol }

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