Time ~ Bang Chan

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He was late, again. He wasn't even just late, you knew he wouldn't come because he forgot. He forgot your anniversary. You sigh as you look around the restaurant, feeling out of place as you looked at all the happy couples there. He was supposed to meet you over an hour ago, but he didn't. You wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, thinking he was just late, but you call and he didn't even pick up.

The waiter comes by your table for the third time that night and this time you don't shrug her off. You tell her to bring you the bill for the two glasses of wine that you had to pass the time. Once paid for, you call a taxi to drive you home, hoping he would be there by the time you got here.


He wasn't even home. He didn't show up for the date and he wasn't even home. He was still down at the company, getting carried away with work, as usual. As you unlocked the door to your apartment, you kicked off your shoes and sat down by the door, grabbing your phone. You tested him to see where he was and even called him again, no reply. You didn't want to bother him if he was busy, so you left a voice message.

10:30 pm
Hey babe. Just calling to see if you're okay. You're starting to worry me a bit. I know you are busy so you probably did forget our anniversary date but you usually pick up my calls or reply to my text. Anyway, I left the restaurant. Call me when you get this.

You end the voicemail and get up again, deciding to get ready for bed. You were disappointed in him. He had promised you that he would make it. He usually gets carried away with work, so the two of you always made sure that you celebrated your anniversaries special way.

The two of you would celebrate it for a week, planning little events or activities every day, leading up to the big date. You would either have a night in after his shift, join him for a little lunch date, take a walk at the park, go bowling, watch a movie, cook or bake together, and then have the big dinner on the night of your anniversary, just so if there was a chance of him missing any of the small dates, you would still get to celebrate on your actual day. However, today was just not one of those perfect weeks. He was able to come to the little events and all but when the big day came he forgot. How on earth could he forget?

You get up from the sitting position you were in by the door and get up to get ready for the night. You walked into the bedroom you shared and grabbed some pajamas from your dresser, quickly putting on the shorts and the t-shirt. You then went to the bathroom to wash your face free of the makeup you had on. You didn't bother to shower since you had taken one right before the dinner.

You were hungry since you had not eaten so you decided to order some take-out, figuring you could just eat that and watch some movies for a while. When you had finished with everything, and the food had come, you checked to see if Chan had read any of your messages. He didn't. You sigh and decided to send a voice message again.

12:30 am
Chan... Seriously, what's going on? It's been hours since my last call and text but you still haven't gotten back to me. I hope you're okay and if you are, why are you ignoring me. I'm kind of pissed at your right now. Just come home.

You wanted to whisper a small I love you buy you were mad at him now and wanted to get the point across. Although you were mad at him, you wanted to wait for him to come home, so you could at least question him. You went to grab a small blanket from the bedroom before sitting on the couch in the living room, playing a movie to pass the time. Some hours had passed now and when you looked at the clock it was 3:22 am. If anything, he should have been coming home by now anyway.

You were growing tired but you didn't want to go to the bedroom and sleep alone on that big bed meant for the two of you. You picked up your phone, leaving one last voice message for him, before snuggling up with the blanket on the couch. You just stayed there watching a couple of movies before you slowly drifted off to sleep.

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