Pregnant~ Han Jisung

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kind of an expansion on the 'When they find out youre pregnant' preference

"Clair..." you whispered to your best friend as you entered the apartment you two shared. You had just come back from the JYP building after hanging out with your boyfriend Han and the other members. Recently, you hadn't been feeling your best, getting random waves of nausea, or losing your appetite for foods that you used to like. You knew what it could be, but you hoped that it wasn't the reality.

"What is it?" she asked, poking her head out from her position on the couch. You stepped into the apartment a bit more, stopping at the kitchen island near the living room.

"I uh... um... Can you come to the store with me to buy a pregnancy test?" you asked her, the words slowly rolling off your lips. She gasped and then jumped off the couch to approach you.

"You're pregnant?!" she asked, jumping up and down with sheer excitement. You looked at her in confusion and shook your head, mainly trying to convince yourself.

"I don't know, I- I just need to take a test."

"(Y/N), you wouldn't just take a test if you didn't think you were pregnant."

A sigh left your mouth. "Well, I've been a bit sick lately... throwing up a bit whenever I visit the guys, or like I'm really sensitive to the smell of the foods they eat but I used to eat them all the time. Chan was the one who even suggested taking a test in the first place, I think he noticed the signs before I did."

"I mean, did you miss your period?" she asked you.

"I don't know... the one for this month isn't supposed to come for another two weeks, but I could have still gotten pregnant from my last period to now." You mumbled, turning your head away from her. She stepped closer to you, grabbing your hands in the process.

"Aww babe! I'm excited for you." She started shaking your hands a bit as she hopped lightly.

"Claire! Why on earth would you be excited that I'm pregnant?"

"I'll be the godmother, right?" You rolled your eyes at her, pulling your hands away and turning around to face the door.

"Let's just get the damn test," you told her before grabbing your purse.


"It's positive," you tell her as you continue to look at the test. You'd taken it four minutes ago right after the two of you got back from the convenience store. You'd been sitting on the floor of the bathroom, back against the wall, with your head in your lap as you contemplated every single scenario in your head. When the timer went off, it took you a few moments to gather the courage to get up and look at it.

You couldn't believe this—you were pregnant, pregnant with Han's baby. Were you even ready? Was he ready? The two of you had talked about having kids, but only after getting married, and you didn't even think the two of you were close to getting married yet. He still has his whole career ahead of him, and now a baby? Panic started to rise in your chest as you backed yourself against the bathroom door, dropping to the ground into the fetal position you were in previously.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Claire asked as she came up to you, sitting next to you.

"Claire! I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with the baby of an idol! How is this okay?"

"What? I'm confused. I thought you would be happy. You finished college two years ago, you and Han talk about getting married and having children all the time, and he's the love of your life. What is not okay about this?" she says. You glance up at her and take in the words she just spoke. She had a point; everything she just said was the truth. But you were still worried. What would he say about this? What would the media and fans think?

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