Dancing with my Star (Dansen Macabre)

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"Kill them! Bleed them! For the glory of Master Pandemonium!" Peter Parker, also known as the amazing Spider-Man could only scoff as he heard the words of the apparent leader of the cult he and two more people were fighting against. He webbed another member of the cult and kucked another one as he remembered just how he had gotten himself into this mess.

It had been just a couple of days after he had regained his body back from Otto Octavious, days where he had to get himself even more prepared with how to deal with his own company and also have time to do Spider-Man work. And during these days he had gotten information about a cult rising in the shadows and the only person he knew that would find the cult even faster than he would, was in fact one of the members that was accompanying him into the battle.

"Great job, Dansen!" Peter congratulated Dansen Macabre, the former villainess who had hypnotized him to fight the Shroud and the person who actually found the cult. He dodge a knife cut from one of the occultist members, being warned by his Spider-Sense. "The cult was close to resurrecting their lord. We arrived at the nick of time"

"A cult that is into the occult" Peter watched as the last member of the group, Digger, was hitting everyone with his trusty shovel in the face. He could also feel just how Dansen was looking at him, a smirk on her face all the time and doing nothing as he and Digger hit various cult members. "Three former bad guys trying to be good guys!" Peter flinched a bit as he attacked a cult member with a tad more force than usual. The reminder that most of his colleagues and the civilians had in their minds that he is a villain, all thanks to his actions when Otto controlled his body, was a hit to the gut. And while he still maintained a look that showed everyone that he was alright, he was everything but fine. "What a heady brew if darkness ol' Digger's mixing up for you, putrescence-"

"Shut up, Digger" Dansen interrupted Digger's monologue as soon as she noticed just how uncomfortable Spider-Man really was with the undead's words. She knew for a fact that Spider-Man would never be a villain like she and Digger were in the past, so whatever happened to him that made people look at him in distrust was more than enough to gather her curiosity. Plus she had to admit, that after becoming a member of the Night Shift and being to close proximity to undeads, Spider-Man was very handsome to her eyes. "And both of you stand down..." She added while moving her hands up from her hips to her hair in a sensual way. While the movement was part of her dance, she was mostly doing so to see if she could get a reaction from the arachnid hero that had found her and requested her help in this mission. "I'll handle this"

Spider-Man landed on the ground, his eyes roaming around Dansen's figure as she danced the night away, hypnotizing every cult member. Even while the lenses of his mask could mitigate the effect that her dances had on people, it was still very alluring to see her sensual movements and to see just how part of her hair acted like ribbons all around her body.

"Wow..." Peter exclaimed in a whisper, entranced by the beautiful dance that Dansen Macabre was doing. Even if she was not using her powers, he would bet every money in his pockets that everyone would stop doing whatever they may be doing just to watch her dance. But even he couldn't control his instincts and looked down a bit, watching the movements her hips and, by proxy, her ass were doing. Probably the most dangerous weapon that Dansen could use. "Even protected by my lenses, her hypnotic dance is... potent..."

"I hear that, Coffin-Chum" Peter groaned a bit as he glanced back towards Digger, a smirk plastered on his face as he looked at Dansen's dance as well. Peter really had to ask why bring the undead to the mission but he was not going to question it. Dansen, apart from her various manipulative dances, was just a normal woman, whose powers cane from her kinds of dances. So... Probably the undead served as a bodyguard of sorts. "If I was two hundred years younger... and, y'know, alive..."

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