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Song Zhen and his partner are a rare BA love, and friends are all envious, saying that this is true love.

After six years of long-distance running, as soon as he got married, the subject was sent overseas by the public, and returned to China two years later. Song Zhen tidied himself up and wanted to surprise him, and then...

Caught rape on the spot in the bed, the third sex O.

"Sorry, I overestimated myself."

"It's wrong for us to do this. A should have been with O by nature."

Before Song Zhen slapped his slap on the face of his wife, the other party said so.
When I got married, my career gave way to my family, but now my family is broken...

Song Zhen changed his image that night and ran to the bar to get drunk.

Unexpectedly, he split into an O on the way home.

And as we all know, the higher the level of AO, the later the differentiation, the pheromone of the s-level omega almost immediately drifts across the alley, attracting the A from the three streets before and after...

Woke up the next day, with the mark on the back of her neck painful, a beautiful woman looked at Song Zhen with a complex expression: "I will be responsible for you."


The younger generation of the Zhu family is excellent, and the second young lady, Zhu, is even more impressive. At the age of eighteen, she became an alpha of s grade. Everyone believes that she has a bright future.

One night, Zhu Sui rescued an omega who had suddenly split up in the alley, and took the person to a safe place. Just as he was about to call the relevant department.

The drunk woman who was drinking in her arms suddenly hugged her tightly, her face lifted up, her tears seemed to crush the stars of a galaxy...

With soft red lips rubbing against the chin, with the rich and sweet citrus scent of omega, the self-control Zhu Sui lost control for the first time and kissed that face deeply...

Author: Tanabata is a big head cat

Translator: MTL Novels

After being marked by the boss of scum's ex-wifeWhere stories live. Discover now