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When Tong Xianglu ran to the living room, Tong softly and Tong Yun sat opposite each other, one holding a mobile phone and wearing headphones, and the other holding a tablet outside.

The size of the two screens is the same thing.

Tong Xianglu stopped.

——"The fertility rate, can it really be restored?"

——"Song and Teacher Song, have you, have you come that far? This...this is beyond our imagination!"

The reporter interview voice that Tong Xianglu had just heard appeared in the living room again.

——"From today, you guys think about it."

Song Zhen's concluding remarks followed closely, with an arrogant arrogance.

Tapping the screen, almost at the same time, Tong Yun put down the tablet and Tong Rou took off the earphones.

Tong Xianglu didn't speak anymore. Without him, what she wanted to say, mother and eldest sister had already seen it.

Due to the atmosphere, the living room suddenly became quiet.

Both sisters watched their mother. Tong Rou put the wireless earphones into the earphone box and spoke, but it had nothing to do with the video content.

"How is Xiaokang? He is so busy that he doesn't seem to care about his studies."

Tong Rou asked Tong Kang, her youngest son, who was fifteenth this year, had just entered the first year of high school.

Tong Xianglu has always been unaware of such problems.

Tong Yun said, "It's okay, this time I'm in the second place in the monthly exam, and I have 16 students in the whole year."

"Did the teacher say anything lately?"

Tong Yun: "Nothing else, just... urged us to have a parent meeting again. We all came to the same district. Dad coordinated the management of the three hospitals, so maybe this time, we will also be absent."

Tong Kang's parent meeting is not once or twice when they are absent. Tong Rou is busy because of her identity.

Tong Yun is in the Third Hospital, and many things have been transferred to her now, and she is also busy.

As for Tong Xianglu, she is obsessed with scientific research and doesn't care much about others. When Tong Kang's parents' meeting couldn't find anyone, she went there once, and when she did, she picked up the teacher's sting. It was not very pleasant.

"That's right, you and Xiao Lu will go back to the third district."


The words were said suddenly, and there was no sign, Tong Yun and Tong Xianglu were a little unresponsive.

Tong Rou put the earphone box on the coffee table, sat upright, and said calmly.

"You don't need you here anymore. It's a waste of time to stay. Go back, what should you do."

Tong Yun realized something, covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes widened.

Tong Xianglu's pupils trembled, unbelievable, "Mom, what do you mean?"

What is a waste of time? Isn't this just a start? Even if... Isn't it...

Tong Rou's voice was very soft, but she couldn't hold her beak, "literally."

The focus in his eyes faded for a moment, and he whispered, "The sky has changed."

I nervously walked to Xu Anbai's ward and glanced at the person lying on the bed. Zuo Tian breathed a sigh of relief, but did not go in.

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