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Song Zhen couldn't turn his mind, Jiang Xiao was immersed in the great joy brought by the glimmer of life.

The eyes are facing each other. Because of the difference in the second gender, Song Zhen is a head shorter than Jiang Xiao. Jiang Xiao put his hand on her shoulder excitedly, and it fell in Zhu Sui's eyes. Zhu Sui did not hear their conversation. In addition, Jiang Xiao's emotions were obviously not right before. When he raised the volume, the scene was another scene for Zhu Sui.

Zhu Sui frowned deeply, glanced at Xu Anbai with a strange expression, said nothing, and strode towards the two of them.


Song Zhen just picked up the head of his thoughts, and he didn't say anything. The hand on his shoulder was suddenly snapped. When Song Zhen saw it again, Jiang Xiao whispered, Zhu Sui had already grabbed his hand from Song Zhen's shoulder. I didn't know how to pinch the wrist joints, and said coldly, "Speak well, won't Major Jiang?"

Zhu Sui raised his chin, also raising the volume.

"We are far away so that you can talk quietly, but not for you to vent your emotions!"

"Hey, Suisui, you misunderstood..."

Song really wanted to persuade.

The moment Zhu Sui moved, the people behind also followed in a swarm.

Zhu Sui held Jiang Xiao's hand, and the trained Alpha was also particular about the pinch. Jiang Xiao struggled twice without breaking away, and then frowned.

Xu Anbai stepped forward and said half a word to make a round.

In the chaos, all the scenes stood still in a very short few moments into a frame. Every time you drag a frame, the picture is completely different.

When Song Zhen realized that there were too many people coming and it was too noisy, Jiang Xiao couldn't get rid of Zhu Sui, and did not respond to Zhu Sui's question at the first time, but quickly pressed his forehead with his other palm...

In Song Zhen's vision, throwing aside the entangled question in his happiness, in the too bright corridor, he finally noticed Jiang Xiao's pale and haggard face...

There was a sudden ringing in his heart, and Song Zhen said loudly, without being able to say: "Sui Sui, you let him go first."

"It's all quiet, the people in the back step back."

After falling to the ground with these two noises, Zhu Sui let go of his hand instantly when he heard that Song Zhen's voice was not right.

Jiang Xiao's eyebrows were heavily draped, and he looked up at Song Zhen for the last time with exhaustion. His steps swayed unsteadily, and Xu Anbai swiftly grabbed him at the two "careful" reminders that Song Zhen and Zuo Tian couldn't hold back. Living.

Jiang Xiao wanted to say something, but he couldn't make any sound when he opened his mouth. After a while, he couldn't resist physical discomfort, and closed his eyes and fainted.

"Xiao Xiao?!"

"Major Jiang."

"Jiang Xiao."

In surprise, everyone screamed at the same time.

Song Zhen blinked his eyelashes for a moment, and in the sight of Xu Anbai projected anxiously, he suddenly said in a loud voice, "Don't move."

"Xu Anbai, you can help him."

"Zhu Sui, please let the people behind you spread out, step back one or two hundred meters to let the air circulate here."

"Tian Zuo, yes, you call the doctor of the Military Medical University. Right now, the doctor we used to do clinical experiments, I remember there was friendship, you asked it all, and said the situation is urgent, see who can now, immediately Come to the research institute right away, don't delay."

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