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Pour nearly a full glass of wine on Tong Xianglu's face, ticking, some spread from her cheeks to smudge her makeup, and some flowed into the corners of her lips along the outline, Zhu Sui pressed her eyebrows, no Let go of every trace of the expression on Tong Xianglu's face.

It was confirmed that Tong Xianglu never reacted at all. He really fainted. It is impossible to pretend.

The breath that Zhusui held was finally released, and his squatting body shook, and he fell to sit down.

Pulling down the zipper of his jacket, Zhu Sui opened his clothes, closed his eyes and raised his head, and took a deep breath.

Fortunately, the place she chose was so wide that she couldn't control the glands, and the pheromone emitted was quickly scattered by the flowing air from the balcony, overflowing into the wind.

Her pheromone smell is concealed enough, as long as it fades, it can't be smelled. Even if pedestrians are contaminated, because it is a special physique of S grade, it does not have the function of attracting ordinary omega, Beta should be fine, and the smell of AO may be a little uncomfortable. , However, with the odor hidden, it shouldn't be expected that the pheromone will come up.

Zhu Sui panted, with cold sweat on his forehead.

The estrus is violent, and she doesn't know what medicine is in the cup, she just feels cold and hot in her body.

Her eyelids were opened, and the wine glass was still pinched in her hand, and she tilted it slightly. She held it well, and the golden wine still had a bottom left, which could just be loaded into the collector and taken back for inspection.

Thinking of something, he pulled out a handful of hair and sat upright, looking straight, and was crashing into a pair of worried eyes.

It's Song Zhen.

Song Zhen had already gotten up just now, but according to her instructions before coming, she remembered that if Zhu Sui's pheromone was out of control, she would stand a little farther and observe, as long as Zhu Sui did not speak, she kept her distance.

Looking at each other from far away, cold sweat slid across his forehead, Song Zhen hesitated, "Are you okay?"

Zhu Sui touched the back of his neck and did not shy away from saying: "The smell is not right, the medicine has been changed. It is not the kind of medicine that you team showed me."

Twisting his neck, Zhu Sui hesitated and said, "I feel like I'm out of control during the estrus period, and it doesn't seem to be. I'm not sure. You don't come here, let me relax for a while."

After a pause, he ordered: "Sister, give me the collector."

Not long after, a white hose was thrown to Zhu Sui's side in the air. Zhu Sui stretched out his hand, and realized that his hand was trembling. The wine was filled in, the lid was screwed on, the wine glass was thrown on the ground, and the things were mounted on the body.

Zhu Sui made two phone calls and went out, both of which were very brief. After hanging up, Zhu Sui sat cross-legged on the ground and exhaled. Layers of body were covered in cold sweat.

Ji Erzhu frowned, curiously, "Huh?"

"What's the matter?" A few steps away, Song Zhen worried.

Zhu Sui is strange; "I seem to be able to control the glands."

Zhu Sui tried it, Song Zhen sniffed and confirmed: "The smell of pheromone is fading."

After a while, the smell was under control, almost negligible.

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