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If the case falls in the third district, Tong Rou is 80% sure that he will not be sentenced to another sentence. However, he can grasp the progress of the situation and will not allow Zhuang Qing to reverse the case.

If submitted to the Supreme Law...

The forces that have mixed into the first and fifth districts, the judges and various contacts are no longer under control... the things that were originally destined in her eyes have become blurred again.

Tong Yun was uneasy, "Mom, even if our evidence is passed to the Supreme Law, it's okay. It's all real things. Besides, our intention is not to pursue the crime, but to interrupt the judicial process of retrial..."

"The evidence is okay, so there will be nothing wrong?"

Tong Rou's face was sullen, her eyes squinted slightly, her tone of voice was still as steady as usual, but the faint unpleasantness in her voice made her listen even more depressed.

"Last time, last time, from letting Xiao Lu contact Cheng Lang to accusing Song Zhen of misappropriating secrets, didn't I feel foolproof before launching it, the result?"

Tong Rou lightly uttered her foul air, and sighed helplessly, "Where is there anything in this world that will never change!"

Tong Yun also recalled the first two times. The first time they did not expect Cheng Lang to destroy his future and turn back the water, in the 102nd time, they did not expect to bring Professor Smith to identify Song Zhen's identity, but Zhu Sui was back climbing Smith. Professor, I got the materials from foreign laboratories and brought them together in the court. Even now, with the joint support of the international pharmaceutical research experts, there is also the figure of Professor Smith running away...

When I meet Song Zhen, it's like running a ghost, always...always...

Tong Yun was extremely uncertain, "Then...is it possible that you mean, do we have to withdraw the complaint?"

"What do you think, how can it be possible to withdraw the lawsuit? Then the appalling evidence has been seen by the justices in our district. The information given is like spilled water. How can it be so easy to turn back."

"Then..." Tong Yun also disallowed Tong Rou's thoughts.

And Tong Rou didn't mean to continue discussing with her, rubbing her eyebrows and exhaling, "I'll think about it again."

"You go out and let me be quiet."


Tong Yun left and brought the door close to Tong Rou.

Tong Rou picked up the tablet again. On it was the electronic page of the manuscript left by Zhuang Qing in the Third Research Institute. Tong Rou had read these theories several times recently.

At this moment, she was supporting the tabletop with her elbows and holding her forehead with her hands, and she swept it from beginning to end, the same as before, except for the literal meaning, no more one, two or three.

Tong Rou touched the tabletop with her finger, muttering to herself, "What else do you know?"

After asking this sentence, thinking of Song Zhen's gender, Tong Rou was sure again, "You must be hiding something."

It's just that she couldn't find it, or Zhuang Qing was too careful and left no trace in the safe laboratory.

And what the unknown brings, in addition to the impatient exploration, is more of a kind of impenetrable panic.

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