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The high concentration of pheromone in the breath caused Song Zhen to lose consciousness again.

But Song Zhen knew exactly what kind of problem this was, and grabbed Zhu Sui's hand around her and asked, "Then, what about your sister, what's your reaction?"

Zhu Sui observed her for a moment and chuckled, "Sister, you are so nervous."

While Song Zhen was laughed with sorrow, he also knew well that when an AO family learned that the next generation's mainstay was a Beta, no, she seemed to...

Zhu Sui seemed to be able to see through what she was thinking. When she thought about it, Zhu Sui said, "I didn't say you are Omega, my sister thought you were Beta."


Song Zhen was completely confused now.

Zhu Sui didn't tease her anymore, saying, "She didn't say anything."

"Nothing to say?"

"Well, I didn't comment, only that she knew, but..."

Song Zhen was nervous again.

Zhu Sui said it was all about it this time, "She wants to invite you to a party, as my girlfriend."

Can you still invite Song Zhen... Then this is the recognition, right? !


Zhu Sui: "If you want to go, go, if you don't want to go, I'll turn it down for you, it's okay."

"Don't be nervous, just do whatever you want."

Zhu Sui said with certainty, and she always said her words, and Song Zhen relaxed again.

In a few short words, because he was almost face-to-face, Song Zhen was also wrapped in bamboo's high-concentration pheromone. As his mind relaxed again, his eyelids became so heavy that he couldn't lift it anymore, and he held the bamboo. What else did the year-old wrist want to say, but in the end he only licked his lips and plunged into darkness...

When the day was bright, the court held the next day. Song Zhen didn't care about discussing with Zhu Sui. After finishing the information, Zhu Sui drove the car and went to the military court.

Song Zhen's accusation was heavy, and he was "misappropriating the scientific research results of others" and appealing for "recovering the title of founder of Reagent Z". Without knowing the truth or not, it sounded very bluff at first.

In particular, pheromone stabilizers are almost a scientific research project that is of great concern to the whole country and even the world.

And now, Song Zhen told Cheng Lang.

Nothing else, but the crime of "misappropriating the scientific research results of others."

Once established, one can imagine what a scandal this will be.

Not only will the First Research Institute be shocked, it is estimated that news headlines and hot searches on social platforms will not escape.

Therefore, on the day of the court hearings, almost all the high-level people who can come from the First Research Institute came.

It also fully shows how much Cheng Lang and her projects are valued by the Research Institute.

Song Zhen dresses formally this day, in a small white suit, and has a full makeup on his always straight face.

Her facial features are soft, and the gentle bean paste color used in her makeup also hides her recent haggardness and makes her face look capable and energetic.

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