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It was nine o'clock in the evening when I arrived at the National Security Bureau. When I saw the questioner, after hearing the question, Tong Roufang knew what was going on.

It's an old problem, but the situation is different, and it was turned out by someone deliberately disgusting.

The question is what happened to the several laboratories where the foreign and Alpha research and development steps have also overlapped when Tong Rou accused Song Zhen of stealing Alpha reagent information.

She had confirmed the uniqueness of Alpha's R&D process in the court. Zhu Sui used these laboratories to speak, forcing her to withdraw the case in court and let the case go unnoticed.

Now Song Zhen's status is different, and its importance to the country is not the same. It depends on the country's willingness to grant Zhuang Qing an amnesty without abolishing the laws and regulations related to the collection of pheromone. He couldn't threaten her, so Zhu Sui took the opportunity to bring up the old thing, and took the research and development steps of several laboratories to report to the third hospital for a secret leak.

What a...a tough little bastard!

The inquirers from the five offices passed the anonymous complaint information to Tong Rou, which is more detailed than the research and development information in court, and has a higher degree of overlap with the research and development of Alpha Reagent.

Turning to a piece of draft paper, Tong Rou really almost lost her breath and turned her face on the spot, pinching the thin-page paper and saying: "Can this also be used as evidence?"

Obviously, the five interrogators had conducted investigations.

"Don't look at it as just a draft paper. The above formula is something that the laboratory didn't have before and appeared suddenly. And this formula also has a big background. It is the characteristic calculation when Mr. Zhuang proposed the low-level logic derivation in Alpha's research and development. The formula, the usage is correct, but they have not established their own corresponding perfect underlying logic. The appearance of this formula seems very suspicious."


It's not guilty-a layman will come and give her unique information on the science Alpha R&D chain.

Tong Rou squeezed out a smile. She was not in the mood to read the documents. She almost threw the documents for herself on the table and said with an unkind expression: "I thought that the affairs of these laboratories were in the pre-trial trial. After the court's public letter of apology to Song Zhen, it has passed."

"That's not the case." The five interrogators said with a glance, "The consensus you reached privately before was between individuals, but someone anonymously reported to the National Security Bureau. If the secrets are suspected to be leaked, it will become a matter for the National Security Bureau. , Is the relationship between the state and the unit, and should not be confused."

"The question to the National Security Bureau is only yes and no, but there is no such thing as the so-called'passed' by Tong Yuan."

Tong Rou lowered her eyes slightly, her finger knuckles clenched her fists, enduring and enduring, she leaned heavily on the back of the chair, Fang Pi smiled and said, "Okay, what's the problem, you can ask, I know, it's all five." —Ten's answer to the National Security Bureau."

The four words "-five-ten" are accented by Tong Rou, which can be described as gritted teeth.

The interrogators looked at each other and felt the invisible pressure. Tong Rou was scheming and grinning badly, but they were forced to squeeze out an awkward smile.

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