Chapter 13, 'You aren't normal,'

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19th April 1919, Small Heath, Birmingham.

"Thomas, a word please," a furious looking aunt Pol said as she stormed into the kitchen.

"What have you done now, Tom," Ada joked as Tommy sighed and got up from his chair at the kitchen table.

"Ada?" Libby spoke up.


"Is aunt Pol gunna kill him?"

"Probably," Ada said finishing washing the dishes from dinner.

Shutting the door behind them, aunt Pol was eyeing Thomas as he lit his cigarette, already knowing that Polly was probably going to have his head.

"Alright, Pol what's the matter?" Tom was first to break the silence.

"What's the matter? Is that a joke?" Polly was staring at him and Thomas' palm had begun to sweat.

"I know what you're going to say and he deserved it, Pol. You should have heard the thing he was saying and before you go on at me for leaving him alive I've sent Scudboat and Lovelock round to finish the job, alright?"

"Thomas, what are you going on about? I was talking about you letting Arthur and John get the boy drunk. Who have you killed?" Polly was now very confused. She had just wanted to tell him off for letting his son get drunk and now he had killed someone.

"Oh, misunderstanding then, Pol. Don't worry about what I said it's dealt with."

"Thomas, what are you going on about?"

Tommy sighed, knowing he was now going to have to explain the deaths of Peter and Julie Smith, "Well, I wanted answers so I went to Julie and Peter's door." Polly's confused face had gone to one of realisation. Tommy knew he didn't need to finish what he was about to say and Polly understood where he was going.

"Why?" Polly was an understanding person, yes she was very opinionated but she was understanding, but she couldn't wrap her head around the fact that he was responsible for the deaths of his children's grandparents.

"I lost it, Pol. I went cos I wanted answers but he just said stuff and I lost it. I was upset and took it out on him. I took his eyes, Pol. While Julie watched and you know what I don't regret it."

"Thomas, it's still Maddie's parents and your children's Grandparents."

"They are nothing to my children and now they are dead so it doesn't matter, so drop it, Polly." Thomas snapped.

The doors to the betting den swung open and Libby stormed in.

"What do you mean, you killed me, Nana and Grandad?" Libby looked confused, scared and shocked.

"Libby, just listen to me, yea?" Tommy tried to reason with her and calm Libby down but it wasn't working.

"No, you listen. You said you took his eyes and Killed them. What type of sicko kills their ex-girlfriend's ma and da? And how are you just standing there, get away from him? He's dangerous."

"Girl, will you calm down," Polly said, stepping toward Libby.

"Get away from me. You aren't normal." Libby exclaimed, taking another step back.

"Libby, sit down and I'll explain everything." Thomas was pleading with his daughter he didn't want her to think he was a monster. He knew he was but it hurt for his daughter to say it out loud. Maybe Julie was right and the twins would be better off in Newcastle without him.

"I'm not sitting anywhere next to you." Libby looked at Polly then at Tommy then back at the door. Tommy knew what she was thinking and he couldn't let her leave, not when she was upset. Tommy knew she would go to the police even if she didn't like them because she thought Tommy was a murder and she was terrified of him. Deciding now was the time to leave, Libby turned around to sprint for the door but unfortunately for her, Tommy was quicker and knew what she was going to do.

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