Chapter 30, 'A thorn in my side,'

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9th November 1919, Small Heath, Birmingham.

It had been two days since Isaiah and Libby had kissed and Libby was in bliss. They had gone out yesterday and Isaiah had told her that he had liked her for a while and to say Libby had been delighted would have been an understatement.

They had agreed to keep their blossoming romance a secret for now and when they were in public they were to act like they were still just best friends but in private Isaiah could shower her in affection and show her how much she meant to him.

They thought they were slick, even though it had only been two days, Polly had noticed the spring in her  niece's step and the way Isaiah looked at her as if she had put the stars in the sky. After all you can't hide matters of the heart from Polly Grey.

Libby had fallen asleep at Polly's last night while John drunk himself into oblivion. He had found out about Lizzie's infidelities and was to say the least very upset, so when Polly had woken her up with an expensive looking dress saying there was a family wedding she was confused.

Ada was already married and Libby doubted that she would remarry Freddie in front of  her family, who she wasn't currently really speaking to. Polly wasn't seeing anybody and as far as she knew neither was Arthur. James and Finn were too young to be married and John's heart had been broken by Lizzie last night so it couldn't have been him. So, that left herself and her father and she definitely wasn't getting married yet, so in the process of illumination it had to be Tommy. The only woman on the scene for him was Grace and she wasn't aware their relationship had gone that far yet or they even had a relationship more than their work relationship. Unless, He had gotten Grace pregnant and if he had John better pay up because he lost the bet and owed her a pound.

"Who's wedding, Pol?" Libby asked, finally having enough for guessing. The two women were eating breakfast at the kitchen table when the back door opened.

"John's wedding, Libs" Ada said, making her way to sit down at the kitchen table.

"Ada, what the fuck?" Libby said in disbelief, she hadn't seen her aunt in over 6 months and then she randomly showed up and walked in like nothing had happened.

"Langage!" Polly warned, smacking her upside the head.

"Aye, aye sorry, but what are you doing here?" Libby asked Ada again.

"Did you not listen? It's John's wedding and Tommy called a truce. Said he wants the whole family there, so come on let go get dressed.'' Ada replied, impastionly pulling Libby up from her seat and dragging her to her room to put makeup on her and do her hair.

"So a little birdy told me that you and Isaiah jesus kissed by the Cut two days ago." Ada said while pulling Libby's hair to the side.

"I divint have a clue what your ganning on about." Libby said, putting her head down to hide the blush that crept to her cheeks.

"Liar, One, I saw yas and two, your blushing. So spill," Ada demanded.

"Fine, we kissed and I really like him. He's nice and good to me which is a change. He puts me first all the time. I've never had that before. He calls me beautiful and always makes me laugh even when I really don't want to. He's practically perfect for me but I'm terrified to tell the boys. I saw what they were like with Freddie. Hell, Tommy even tried to kill him, Ada. So, how i'm i meant to explain that i really like Isaiah without them getting involved." Libby ranted. It felt good to get that off her chest, she had misstated Ada and their girl chats.

"They are just trying to look out for you, Libby." Ada reasoned.

"Well I survived fourteen years without their protection and I'm fine. The worst things that can happen to me have already happened and I lived through it. I didn't need them then and I certainly do not need their protection now." Libby snapped.

Ada understood where she was coming from. After everything she had heard, Ada had gathered that Maddie wasn't the best mother. Leaving her kids for days on end to fend for themself and it didn't get any better after she took her own life.

Libby had been forced to protect James from the harsh realities of the world they lived in  even though James was older, Libby was more mature and clearly had a lot more baggage than James did.

If Ada had to guess she would have said that Libby often used to step in for James to stop him getting hurt. It would be her taking the risks to make sure they had food at the end of the day.

After much more gossip and hits from a comd to keep still, Libby, Ada and Polly were on their way to watch John get married. The walk was fast but by the time they got there the ceremony had just started. John looked extremely nervous but his face softened at the sight of his aunt, sister and niece approaching.

Johnny-Dogs started to say, "We are here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony." Libby zoned out, finding the ceremony extermaily boring.

She caught bits of Ada and Tommy's conversation but her focus was mainly on Isaiah, who was standing with the other blinders.

"You look well." Tommy commented, looking at Ada. Tommy had taken full advantage of where Libby was standing and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his chest and Libby allowed him to. It felt nice to have a bit of fatherly love off Tommy rather than John.

The girl next to John at the altar lifted her veil and by the look on John's face she must have been beautiful. John had that smug grin plastered on his face as if it said I'm getting her under me tonight, which Libby didn't doubt. John had quite the reputation to be a ladies man. Constantly charming his way into their pants. It drove Polly mad at the amount of women that came through her door climbing to John's arm only to leave a week later in floods of tears because he broke their heart. Another reason why John wanted a boy nowhere next to Libby, he knew what they could be like and he didn't trust them around his niece.

"Do you, John Micheal Shelby, take Esme Martha Lee, to be your beautiful wife?" Johnny-Dogs shouted, snapping Libby out of her thoughts.

"You got my invitation." Tommy observed, still looking at Ada.

"Grace said there was a truce." Ada said quietly.

"Family day," Tommy commented, "Your husband couldn't make it?" Tommy asked knowing full well Freddie wasn't welcome.

"He's not speaking to me and even when he does he calls me a fucking Shelby, eventhough im not, I'm a Thorne now." Ada snapped.

"A thorn in my side, that's for sure." Tommy said gruffly, causing Libby to smirk.

"My god, Tommy. You admire him don't you?" Ada was smug and Libby knew she was without even looking.

"Now for the mingling of the two bloods," Johnny-Dogs said, this was the bit Libby didn't like. She had been to two gypies weddings and both times she was nearly sick when they sliced there hands just like Johnny-Dogs had now done to John and Esme and put there hands together to join the two families.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," Johnny-Dogs cheered as the crowd erupted into fits of hurries, "Go on, John Kiss your bride will ya?" And so John did. He kissed his bride.


How i9s everybody Christmas going. I hope you're having an amazing day.

This chapter was sort of just a filler but it was still really fun to write, enjoy.

----- Jane

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