Chapter 18, 'Are you deaf,'

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3rd May 1919, Small Heath, Birmingham.

The rest of the day at the fair had been okay. Libby and Finn had ridden on the carousel quite a few times while John and James stuffed their faces with whatever food they could get their hands on. For the first time in a long time, Arthur had seen Tommy smile while watching Libby and Finn on the two person swing. There were crowds everywhere. You couldn't move. The day had overall been fun and let everyone relax. However, nothing in Thomas Shelby's life had ever been easy and relaxing so why would that start now?

Driving back into Small Heath,Tommy noticed the destruction of his town and began to wonder if Small Heath could survive without him there to run it. He had only been gone half a day and the town was already in ruins.

Children were screaming and crying for their mother and farther; most of whom were battered and bruised. Houses had been turned upside down and windows were smashed. Havoc had taken over the street and it only worsened as they continued to drive towards Watery Lane.

"The coppers told everyone Arthur had agreed to it when he was arrested," Polly snapped, she wasn't amused at the situation the Peaky Blinders currently found themself in. "They said the Peaky Blinders had cleared out to the fair to let them do it," Polly had handed the three adults in the room a glass of beer as she kept their attention on her.

Polly seemed to hold power over a room when she walked in, much like Thomas and his two brothers. People respected her but she was also feared greatly. It was amusing to Libby how easy it was for Polly to scare her uncles who were meant to be the most feared gangsters in the whole of birmingham.

"You know I never said anything to that copper about smashing up bloody houses." Arthur quickly defended himself.

"Alright Pol, which pubs did they do?" Tommy quickly asked. In Libby's opinion he seemed to be extremely bored and just wanted to get this whole mess over with as fast as he possibly could.

"The Guns, The Chain, The Marquis. All the ones that pay you to protect them, the only one they didn't touch was the Garrison." Polly had calmed down a lot since they had arrived back from the fair, however it was clear to see that John and Arthur didn't want to say anything in fear of pissing Polly off more than she already was. "Make sure people think we were in on it . He's smart this copper. So, go on. Drink your beers,get out. You better show people you're still the cocks of this walk." Complying quickly, everyone started to make their way out of the room but not before Tommy shouted, "Hand out some cash to the landlords and pay some veterans to fix up the place."

"So what about you Tommy?" Arthur asked, not liking the fact that yet again he was just another foot soldier in Tommy's mind.

"I have to go to Charlie's to stable the horse, she looked foot sore in the box." Tommy replied not in the mood to deal with his older brother.

"Let people see ya faces." Polly shouted as her nephews left the kitchen.

"Da' me and James are going to see some friends we will be back later, is that alreet?" Libby asked, she normally would have just left but recently her father seemed stressed and she didn't want a full on manhunt after her again because Tommy thought she had legged it when in reality she was just down by the Cut.

"Yeah that's fine, but be back by 10 and not a minute later and be careful,yeah?" Tommy answered, he didn't want to let his children out of his sight but he knew he couldn't wrap them up in cotton wool now, after he had already exposed them to the harsh reality of his world.

"I won." James shouted at an out of breath Libby.

"Yeah only cos you cheated," Libby replied back.

"Will you two stop arguing for like 2 minutes?" Isaiah asked, shaking his head.

Just like the previous night cheap bottles of beer were passed around only this time it was just Libby, Charlotte, Florances, Emily, Denise, Alices, Mary, Dorathy, James, William, Lewis, Edward, Frank, Robert and Isaiah.

The group of 15 teenages drank and enjoyed each other's company. Without noting they causally split off into small groups. Libby stood with Charlotte and Denise who had become her closest best friend since she had arrived in Small Heath. Florances, Emily and Lewis stood together. Edward, Mary and Dorathy together, while James, Isaiah and William stood together and finally, Alices, Frank and Robert stood together.

Each group engaged in idle chit chat. The girl mainly asked about boys and school while the boys talked about which girl they would like to shag and what position they play in football.

"Libby, can you come hear a minute?" Lewis asked and again not wanting to annoy the boy Libby compiled and slowly made her way over. Libby felt uncomfortable. Lewis freaked her out, she didn't know what it was with the boy because despite what she had heard about him he seemed so nice.

"What's up, Lewis?" Libby asked cautiously. He had been standing with Florances and Emily but they had made their way over to different groups.

Lewis grabbed Libby's upper arm tightly, using his strength to bring her head next to his ear as he whispered something in her ear. Libby was terrified Lewis knew she was. Her eyes gave it away. "Walk with me." Lewis demanned and once again Libby complied, she was like a statue, frozen with fear.

Once they were away from the group and could no longer be seen by anyone, Lewis began to speak, "You know I didn't appreciate the way you stood me up at the bonfire, it was embarrassing."

Libby knew she couldn't fight Lewis off and if she tried she would probably end up with a lot more than a couple of bruises on her arm. "You're hurting my arm. Let go Lewis." Libby pleaded.

"I'm hurting your arm?" Lewis repeated, mocking how vulnerable she looked at this moment. "I can do a lot more than hurt your arm, Libs. so perhaps start showing me some respect, ya little slag" Lewis was hissing in her face as he finished speaking, he had finally let go of her arm and Libby knew it would bruise in the morning if it hadn't already. Her blood was pumping and her heart racing, she took a deep breath in and tried to calm herself down.

"Right, now we go back out there with our friend and act normal. Say anything about this and it will be worse for you than a couple of bruises on your arm, am I understood?"

Libby didn't reply, just looked at the floor hoping her father or one of her uncles, even her brother would come around the corner but they never did.

"Are you deaf? I asked if you understood." Lewis sneered, grabbing Libby's jaws so she was looking him in the eyes.

"Yes." Libby murmured out.

"Good now let's go." Lewis said, placing his hand on the bottom of Libby's back.

Libby wasn't afraid of anything. She was brave and never feared anything but something about Lewis made her skin crawl and all of her courage deflated like a burst balloon. So she put on a smile and acted as though her encounter with Lewis never happened. 


Sorry it has took so long to post ths chapter but alot has happened. First off my computer is broke so im using my old laptop.Seconed, I'm now back to school and its just been manic this past month or so tyring to get back into everything and my grandad died so its been quite stressful for my family who are tying to cope with thelost, but im back now and hopefully i will be able to post 1 update a week. it will most likly be on a Monday or Saturday.

Thank you all for your support, im nearly at 7k rwads witch id amazing so thak you all.

---- Jane Gunston 

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