Chapter 11, 'So you're shagging my dad's ex-best friend behind his back?'

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19th April 1919, Small Heath, Birmingham.

"Which way do we go?" Libby questions, while walking down Watery Lane.

"This way," Ada replied, pointing to a cut that led to another street with a bar on the corner.

"What's this pub like?"

"It's alright, a bit rowdy sometimes but it is usually okay if you're a Shelby."

Libby hummed and nodded her head slightly in acknowledgement.

"Don't go getting any ideas mind, Libs. Your dad would have a heart attack." Ada warned.

"I won't but I'll make no promises."

"You really are like your mother."

"You know, i divvn't nar whether to take that as a compliment or not, cos if ye think I'm like me muva then I'm screwed. God, I mean she was nothing more than a dirty slag that couldn't keep off the fucken' drink, not even for her kids." Libby ranted, slipping between her natural thick Geordie accent and a softer, easy to understand standard English.

"Hey, that wasn't what your mother was like. She was a beautiful, caring, loving woman, who would do anything for anyone."

"Well I think we knew different versions of her cos I can't remember a single time so tucked me and James in at night, stayed with us when we were sick or even made sure that we ate. She didn't care about us and neither did her nana."

"A lot must have happened to her. However I'm not making excuses, you and your brother should have never been kept from your dad and neither should your mother have been."

"Thanks, Ada. It's good to talk to someone about it."

"It's no problem and we are at the market now anyway." Ada smiled at her niece. She was glad to have someone so could talk to without them being scared of her family name. "Aw, god. There's Freddie Thorne."

"Who's that like? Your lad?" Libby teased the older woman.

"Don't be daft. My brother would have a fit but I have been seeing him well not really seeing him, just you know." Ada admitted with a small smile on her face.

"So you're basically shagging him and My dad doesn't know?"

"Basically but that's not all. It was his best friend before France."

"So you're shagging my dad's ex-best friend behind his back."

"Yeah, basically." Ada looked down. Libby had put it very bluntly in a way she hadn't thought about.

"Ar, here. That's pure belta that, like." Libby managed to say while laughing.

"Shhh, he's coming over. Be quiet."

"You alright Ada. You didn't show up yesterday." Freddie asked, walking over to Libby and Ada.

"Yeah, I was out of town with Tommy and John, sorry," Ada said, smiling up at Freddie.

"It's alright. Don t worry. Anyway, whose this. I'm surprised Tommy let you have any friends, he's a bit of a control freak."

"I mean you're not wrong. Personally, I have known him for about 24 hours now and it's been a roller coaster, to say the least." Libby butted in before Ada could answer. Freddie was taken back by how strong of an accent the young girl who could have been no older than 15 had and how much she resembled Tommy. It freaked him out a bit. She was like a younger, prettier, girl version of Tommy.

"Bloody hell, you look like him don't ya, love" Freddie blurted out.

"Okay, now I'm offended. He's like old and wrinkly and has a weird haircut like you." Libby snapped.

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