Chapter 36, 'You owe my 10 bob.'

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23th November 1919, Small Heath Birmingham

Things in the Shelby household had been tense to say the least. Nobody was really sure if the family would last. To the outside world they were strong, powerful people that were all united but in reality they were crumbling.

Arthur had tried to hang himself the day before after taking 500 pound for the betting shop winnings, most of the family were sympathetic espacily James, who had thought about doing the same a few to many times, not that he would admit that to anyone.

Ada was still angry with Tommy for getting Freddie arrested even though Tommy had swore it wasn't him. Surprisingly, Libby, of all people, believed him.

Then there was Tommy, who would never admit what John had said to him in the previous days was right and that annoyed him. John on the other hand just wanted his niece and brother to have the relationship they never got with their dad, who had left town only hours earlier.

Polly was trying to keep the family from falling apart which was harder said than done, while James remained neutral. He had moved back in with Tommy as had Arthur after his emotional break down. All he had to do now was convince Libby to move back.

"Morning Es," Said Libby, coming into the kitchen.

"Morning Libs, you want breakfast?" Esme asked, since moving to Small Heath after marrying John, Esme had become a mother figure to Libby as well as John's rowdy lot.

Esme would tell Libby stories of what life was like on the road, underneath the stars every night, free. Something Libby was no longing for.

She didn't like being stuck in Small Heath, Just like she didn't like being stuck in the industrial side of Newcastle. Libby had always found sanctuary under the stars with mud under her feet and clean air in her lungs, Polly has said it was the gypies blood flowing in her veins and Esme agreed, saying she would take her for a week away after christmas with the Lee's with James and Johns kids so she could get a feel for a proper gypies life. Something Libby was looking forward to.

"I'm alright, Esme. I'm gan out for food with James and we are taking Finn but I need to speak to John first. Do you know where he is?" Libby asked, putting her coat on to leave.

"Yeah he should be at the betting shop. What time are you coming home and do you want dinner put out?" Esme replied.

"Nar, you're alreet. I'll grab something while I'm out but thanks." Libby said, opening the front door.

"You know I'm never going to get used to your accent." Esme said, giving Libby a hug and kiss as she left the house laughing.

"Aunt Pol, do you know where Jonathan is?" Libby asked, barging into 13 Watery Lane.

"Who are you calling Johnathan, Elizabeth?" John said, coming up behind her, giving Libby a fright.

"You fucking idiot, you gave is a fright" Libby screamed.

"Children," Polly warned, "And Libby watch your fucken laungue,"

"Sorry, Aunt Pol," Libby said, turning her attention back to John, "You owe me 10 bob."

"How does he owe you ten bob?" Tommy asked, walking into the kitchen, leaving Libby wondering how she was going to explain this.

"He lost a bet." Libby answered, hoping he would ask more questions.

"What was the bet?" Tommy asked, noticing John's face pale.

"Libby bet that you would shag blondie the barmaid by Christmas and John said you didn't have the game too and judging by the atmosphere in here, I'm assuming Libby won, so I hope you used protection, da." James said, walking towards the door, "You ready to go out, Libs, Finnis putting his shoes on."

John was slyly handing Libby the 10 bob as Tommy turned to face them, "In my defence, I can't really remember ever making that bet I just know we did." John blurted out.

"I'm going to walk out of the door and we are never going to speak of this again and Libby can we speak when you get back say about 2?" Tommy said, turning to walk away from a very awkward situation.

"Aye, nee problem," Libby said, taking Finn's hand and leaving Watery Lane with James.

"You're a bunch of fucken idiots," Polly said, leaving John alone in the kitchen to process what had just happened.

Libby and James got back from Taking Finn for food. But in true Shelby fashion something went wrong. That something was when the waiter refused to serve the young Shelbys because he had seen Libby with Isaiah the day before and claimed he would serve no one that sympathised with blacks. Libby was furious and so was James and like most things with the Shelbys it ended in violence.

James had dragged the waiter out of the pub and into a back alley, only to come back 10 minutes later followed by Isaiah, Arthur and John. Libby hadn't even bothered to ask what had happened, knowing she probably wouldn't like the answer.

Finn, on the other hand, was quite content in the pub with a bag of chips and a big slice of chocolate cake brought out by the owner of the bar shortly after James had disappeared with the waiter as an apology. The family had then sat down and enjoyed a few drinks before all taking their leave.

Libby had now left to find Tommy to talk to, however she didn't know what it was about.

"Grace, have you seen me da," Libby asked, standing at the bar.

"Yeah , he's in the snug. Do you want me to bring in some lemonade for ya?" Grace respondered.

"Yeah if you wouldn't mind," Liby smiled.

"So dad, what do you want to talk about?" Libs questioned carefully, taking a seat opposite her father.

"I'm not very good at this stuff." Tommy said, taking a swig of whiskey as Grace entered and placed Libby's lemonade on the table before leaving.

Truth be told, Libby had no idea what 'stuff' Tommy ment. Did he mean being a father? Or apologies? Either way libby couldn't help but agree.

"Libby, you're my daughter and although i dont show it enough I really do love you." Tommy admitting this was a step in the right direction for the duo.

"I know and you definitely weren't expecting us and I have exactly made your job any easier, have i?" Libby replied.

"It is your job to make my life harder, you're my teen daughter. I'm sorry I've been such a shit dad to you. John's right you both deserve so much better but I'm going to change and I don't expect you to believe me or even listen but I am. I'm going to buy us a house away from Small Heath with loads of fields and a stable for horses, Uncle Charlie tells me you have been down at his loads with Finn and isaiah. I'm going to make more time for my kids and do right by you. So I guess what I'm asking is, am I forgiven?" Tommy finished with a slight glimmer of hope in his eyes

"You're forgiven," Libby said quietly, a small smile on her lips.

"Good," Tommy said, pulling her gently round the table to give her a hug.

For the first time since the war Tommy felt at ease. He has his family or most of them at least by his side. Yes they were dysfunctional at best but they were his and surprisingly he wouldn't change them for the world even if that is what Tommy desired the most, the world.


So season 6 is officially finished and I hate the ending but no spoilers. Have you watched it yet?

I'm glad Libby and Tommy are speaking again even if he doesn't really deceiver to be forgiven. 

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