Chapter 33,',You can never truly move on from the death of a parent'

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10th November 1919, Small Heath, Birmingham.

It was the early hours of the morning, Ada was eventually asleep with a nameless baby boy. She was meant to name him with Freddie but that hasn't exactly gone to plan. Polly had appeared just as angry as she had left and Libby had a feeling her father was to blame, yet again.

Esme had been sitting at the side of the three Shelby women, even if she was one. Libby noticed her discomfort and offered to take her back home and Esme had quickly accepted, wanting to get out of the awkward environment she had found herself stuck in.

"You Don't sound like you're from birmingham. You sound very Macem to be honest." Esme asked.

"A Macem. I wouldn't want to be one of those dirty bastards even if you paid me!" Libby exclaimed, causing Esme to burst out laughing, "I'm from Newcastle. I'm a Geordie, not a fucken Macem."

"So how did you end up here?" Esme was intrigued by the girl, "If you don't mind me asking."

"It's fine," Libby replied, "When me ma' was pregnant with me and my brother she was sent to live with grandma up Newcastle and she never left, I guess. Erm, I think the place we lived after she died didn't want us, which at this point is nout new. So John, Ada and my dad came to get us but then things didn't work out. I tried to leave, John and Isaiah stopped me and I sort of just permanently moved in with John."

"I'm so sorry, Libby. That's awful." Esme said, grabbing a hold of her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"It's fine. Shit happens, You move on." Libby replied.

"You can never truly move on after the death of a parent tho, Libs." Esme said, her heart breaking for the girl.

"Maddie was never a parent to me and neither is Tommy. John is the first person to step up and do that for me and to be honest without him I would probably be dead or in prison by now. I have so much respect for him, Esme. He really is nothing like the others, he's got a good heart and he will look after you until his last breath." Libby was looking Esme in her eyes. She was trying to comfort the woman, letting her know she hadn't married a complete psychopath, which she hadn't because John was not his brother.

Libby and Esme continued to talk while they tied the house up from the worldwin that was John's children. The kids were staying with Esme's Mother and father to give the newly wedds a night together.

"Will you be okay if I head out now?" Libby asked, grabbing her coat.

"Where are you going, you live here too." Esme asked, not really wanting her to leave. John had returned 5 minutes before and was dancing around the living room with the cassette player on.

"I'm staying at Pol's tonight, you know giving you and John the rest of your night together." Libby replied, heading for the door.

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow." Esme said, locking the door behind Libby who had just walked out onto the street.

Libby had risen out of bed early and left 13 Watery Lane as Tommy had come in for work. She was heading to Isaiah for the day they had planned yesterday. Isaiah had also been out of bed extremely early as well so by the time 1 O'Clock rolled around they had done everything they had planned to do, so they decided to go to their spot on the field next to the cut.

Their spot was a beautiful sight. The field was lined with dandelions in the summer, there was a picnic bench on side and a gravel footpath that took you back to the bridge but in all it was a pretty secluded area that not many knew about or bothered to go there. It was the one place in Small Heath where the young couple could have some privacy.

Isaiah had been staring at Libby as she played with the grass before moving to lie on top of his chest. It was weird to Isaiah he was used to a quick shag and leave them without a goodbye the next morning only to do the same the next night but with Libby he wanted to get to know her, treat her like a princess, be her boyfriend and look after her. She was making him feel things he had never felt before and Isaiah didn't mind it.

It was a typical British November afternoon. The sun was fighting to stay in front of clouds and a mild yet cold breeze was present. Libby hadn't brought a jacket so was wearing Isaiah's long black Blinders' coat, it looked more like a blanket on her than coat however.

"I love you, Lib." Isaiah admitted, looking into Libby's big blue eyes that he was certain he could get lost in.

"I love you, Z." Libby said back, connecting their lips together while a faint shouting could be heard in the background. The tennages continued to deepen their kiss, ignoring the shouting as it got louder.

"What the fuck!" A man shouted, eventually snapping Libby and Isaiah out of their own little bubble.

"I can explain." Libby said, jumping up off the ground.

"You fucken better." John shouted back. Libby and Isaiah had been busted, John and James had been out on Blinder business and walked in on them. Their bubble had been well and truly burst.

John was furious he felt betrayed. There was smoke coming out of his ears and his face had gone bright red. James, on the other hand, was in disbelief that Libby and Isaiah had managed to keep this a secret. He was quite proud of it, to be honest. Libby could be the biggest blabbermouth going and Isaiah was just damn right dense at times.

"Someone better start fucken talking." John demaned in a low and calm voice.

"Well, John." James began before he was cut off.

"Not you james. One of them." John said, pointing between Libby and Isaiah.

"John, I love Libby." Isaiah said, very bluntly.

"Yeah and I love him so just be happy for me please, John." Libby was pleading with John, not wanting him to be angry with her.

"I'll never not be happy for you, Lib." John admitted., "And if Isaiah makes you happy, then it's okay, I guess."

"That looked like it physically pained you to say." James remarked, earring a smack over the back of the head from John.

"Come here you." John said, moting for LIbby to walk over to him. "I love you like my own, you know that. I just want to protect you but I trust you and if Isaiah makes you happy then you have my blessing but if he ever hurts you I will take more than just his eyes and that's a promise, alright?" John finished, wrapping his arms around Libby in a fatherly embrace.

"He does, Uncle J and I love you." Libby answered, hiding her face in his chest.

"No more lies or keeping secrets from me. If something happens I need to know, okay?" John asked.

"Okay." Libby agreed, returning back to Isaiah's side.

"You keep her safe," John warned, pointing to Isaiah.

"I will, John. I promise." He agreed.

"Right, I won't tell anyone else yet Libby. That's up to you but please be more sneaky, Yeah?" John asked, turning on his heel to leave.

Yes John was still annoyed but it was just because he wanted what was best for Libby. He didn't want her knocked up to 16 like Maddie or Marther because neither one of them were here to tell the tale of it.


Sorry it has taken me so long to update, I've just not been motivated but I'm going to try to get at least a chapter s week up again but it going to be on a Tuesday or Wednesday now instead.

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