Chapter 12, 'You and tweedle-dee,'

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19th April 1919, Small Heath, Birmingham.

Scurrying out of the way, the people of Small Heath watched as Thomas Shelby stormed through cobbled stone streets and back lanes. Nobody dared to look at him in fear of losing their eyes and nobody dared to ask where he was going through the fear of losing their tongue. After all, Thomas Shelby was a man on a mission. A man that wanted answers. He had been kept from his children for fourteen years and he wanted to know why. He couldn't ask Maddy for obvious reasons but there were two people who would have some answers. These two were supposed to protect his children, not send them away from their father, they were supposed to care for their daughter, not send her into the lion's den.

Standing in front of number 17 Greenland Road in the same place that he used to kiss Maddie after dropping her off from their latest adventure and the place he first told her that he loved her, Thomas was preparing himself for this conversation he was about to participate in and in no way was he looking forward to it but he wanted answers.

A sharp, harsh knock at their door brought them out of the light conversation Peter and Julie Smith were having.

"I'm coming, hold on," Julie's sickly sweet voice shouted, making Thomas cringe inside, keeping his stoic expression on. The Smith's front door was swung open by the older woman, she had put on quite a bit of weight since Thomas had last seen her, Julie bright blonde hair that sometimes had hints of yellow in it. Her cheeks were still the same red rosy colour that they had always been. However, her teeth had slightly yellowed with time and she had more prominent wrinkles now. She was about 40 last time Thomas had seen her and now she must have been about 55. "Thomas, what do you want?" The woman's demeanour had instantly changed when she saw the gang leader at her door.

"I want to know why you and your husband kept my children away from me?" Tommy said in a harsh tone. He didn't have time for games and wanted to get on with asking questions to be able to return home to his two children.

"What are you on about, Thomas. Maddy never had any children with you." Julie was quick to snap back. Even though she had moved to small heath when she was fifteen with her father, she never truly lost her Geordie accent and when she was angry, upset or lying it used to creep through the cracks and resurface when she talked.

"Now, I know you're lying, Julie. So don't play dumb with me." Julie knew Thomas knew about his children but still didn't want him near them, she didn't care about them at all and thought that Thomas and his children were what ultimately led to Maddy's downfall.

"So what. Yeah Maddy had your children but you don't have them and don't know where they are, so does it really matter?" Julie could be a malicious woman when she wanted to be and Thomas knew that but he never thought she would stoop so low to keep him away from his children.

"Who are you talking to, dear." Peter Smith asked, hearing the shouts from the living room and hearing his daughter's name mentioned his interest was peaked.

"It's alright Peter, he was just leaving." Julie snapped slamming the door in Thomas' face. Luckily, Thomas' foot was in the doorway so it bounded back open.

"Well I never, Thomas fucking Shelby. What do you want?" Peter's voice was low and gruff. He had a strong Brummie accent. Peter was like most men from Birmingham, he made his living off the coal mines and now lived off the king's money. He was quite tall, taller than Tommy but it didn't stop Thomas eyeing him and Trying to intimidate him. Peter had a slight beer belly and was a regular customer at the Chains of Marquise pub on Allerwash Close.

"I want you two fuckers to know that I have my children and if you even try to speak to them I'll have your fucken eyes. Are we clear?" Thomas Shelby had officially lost his patients with Peter and Julie Smith. He was angry, they had mocked him to his face and laughed about him behind his back. Polly was not going to be happy when she found out that he had not only visited The Smiths but threatened them as well, but Thomas was thinking about that, he was thinking about his children, one of which was probably going to wake up with alcohol poisoning or a really bad hangover in the morning if he didn't go and find him.

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