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"I'm thinking sexy cute? Like black skirt and blue lacy shirt?" Naruto said, placing his hair in a bun. He looked over to Gaara to see him readings a book in his jeans and a white lacy button up.

They both had a date on the same night, it must be because they had to be like business partners of something. Neither knew what they did for a living, but it was quite alright.

Naruto infatuation was coming to pick him up and he was excited. He decided he would dress like he wanted to bent over somebody's desk and.....

There was a knock at the door interrupting Naruto from his thought, looking at himself in the mirror he realized he was as perfect as he was going to get. He headed downstairs and opened the door.

Shikamaru stood there in a suit, that matched his features beautifully. Black suit with an olive button up his hair was in a bun and he was actually smoking a cigarette. He looked Naruto up and down, and Naruto hummed.

"Like it? Should I change? I'm not feeling the heels that much." Shikamaru knew that Naruto looked gorgeous, perfect especially where he planned on taking Naruto.

"Shall we leave?"

"Yes!" Naruto said excitedly, and Shikamaru called out to Gaara.

"He's not coming home tonight." Gaara grabbed his bag and hummed.

"Neither am I. Enjoy your date Naruto." Naruto smiled and waved to Gaara.

Shikamaru fell silent he was calmly smoking. Naruto leaned into Shikamaru as they were driven around by a driver. Naruto never once felt scared in Shikamaru's space and or arms. Naruto was calm, calmer than Shikamaru had ever seen the young teen.

"Hey, tell me about yourself." Shikamaru said, tone was lazy. Most people would take offense to that, and Shikamaru was waiting for Naruto to take offense to that however he smiled, humming a little. Moving his body so that he could see Shikamaru he spoke.

"I'm Nineteen, I spend all my time with Gaara. I really am all touchy, I'm sorry but I didn't have the best childhood and my love language is definitely touch and affection. I'm rambling am I rambling? Anyways. I like to clean and cook, that calms me down, and I've been interested in crime shows, and anime."  Naruto started, Shikamaru leaned his body against the window and was further away.

Much like Naruto had just said he moved closer, and closed his eyes, Shikamaru chuckled a little. A fond sound that Naruto was eating up along with the affection. Shikamaru wasn't sure he wanted to take Naruto anywhere.

Would he make a bad impression if they just drove around the city and stay cuddled like this in the backseat? He wasn't sure, but they way Naruto didn't complain, he was sure it was fine.

"I really like cotton, and silk, and lace and oh my favorite food is Ramen. Any type, Gourmet or the gas station ramen. It's a weird obsession but I like it." Naruto said opening his eyes, he looked up at Shikamaru and realized he closed his eyes.

"Ramen, really?" Shikamaru asked, though Naruto smiled moving off of Shikamaru and grabbing a blanket that's was tossed in the back. He grabbed a pillow and moved Shikamaru to lay him down, only to have him snuggle into his side.

"If you were tired, we could've postponed this date." Naruto said calmly removing Shikamaru's ponytail to run a hand through his hair. Shikamaru yawned and felt awfully sated by having Naruto dote on him.

"I'm always tired, you are the only one indulging in me being able to sleep. Usually Neji or Sasuke keep me busy, and to the point I can only sleep at night." Naruto blinked at the name Sasuke. He didn't say anything to ruin this date and so he smiled.

"Just say you want to spend time with me, and get to know me. You don't have to be indifferent about things. You can show emotion to me." Shikamaru hummed.

"You saying i don't have emotion?" Naruto closed his eyes, snuggling into Shikamaru feeling those arms getting tired. A yawn escaping through his mouth as Shikamaru felt at ease.

"I'm saying that if people aren't as observant as me, then your tone would scare them. Your aura portrays that you are somebody important, but you look like you hate your life and you hate everything. However really, you are just a little lonely, right?" Naruto said softly, feeling Shikamaru humming against his forehead.

"You are able to real people like that? How's you get so good?" Naruto opened his eyes. A small pained smiled reached his face and he spoke.

"My foster family used to abuse me. I had to learn every fake lines, their phrases and their body language in order to survive. I ended up running away at ten years old with all the money I stole from them and ran into Gaara who looked just as miserable as me and we decided to stick together. We've been brothers ever since." Naruto said calmly, looking at Shikanaru whose breathing was close to evening out.

"Sleep well." Naruto said as Shikamaru's breathing evened out clearly and Naruto closed his eyes and listened, but he wasn't sleepy, but it was fine. Being snuggled into Shikamaru made the touch starved femboy all too happy.

Though what made him happier is when Shikamaru tightened his hold on him and then snuggled into his bone and continued sleeping. The night was perfect for Shikamaru, but Naruto loved it.

He was calm, and he was surrounded by a calming aura. He didn't need to be as crazy and loud as he usually was because Shikamaru was soft and lazy and calmed Naruto anyways.

The driver ended up driving them back to the house Shikamaru owned. He left the car running but he definitely didn't leave it. He wasn't a bodyguard or anything he just valued his life and so he pulled out his phone and played candy crush as he waited for the master to wake up.

Though when he did, he could feel Naruto playing some type of farming game. Naruto had in AirPods as not to disturb Shikamaru's sleep. Shikamaru blinked, watching as Naruto have grated corn and he spoke.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to treat you to ramen?" Shikamaru asked, waiting before Naruto spoke.

"Yes please, I'm having a great time Shikamaru. Thank you for spending time with me." Naruto said and Shikamaru went to speak to the driver but he immediately did as he was taught to do and started the car.

"I would never trade you for anything in this world." Shikamaru said softly and Naruto smiled, returning back to Shikamaru embrace.


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