Chapter 8 - Who I Am Hates Who I've Been

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'Cause I don't want you to know where I am
'Cause then you'll see my heart
In the saddest state it's ever been.
- Relient K


Hunter and I enter the classroom just before the bell rings, arriving just in time to take our seats.

As we walk towards the empty desks near the back of the room, I notice all the girls in the room have their eyes glued to Hunter. Some of them even scramble to try to make room in the desks next to them, urging their friends (and in some cases, boyfriends) to move out of the way.

Well, that didn't take long.

Just like I thought, everyone's already tripping all over themselves. Not that Hunter's not good-looking, because he really truly is, but in a school this small, where we get about five new people a year, a guy like him showing up is bound to create a freakin' tidal wave in our small pond.

When he chooses a desk next to me, I see every female eye in the room (besides Rose, of course, who only looks confused) shoot me a death glare.

And there goes what was left of that anonymity I've worked so hard for since middle school.

The stares continue and turn into whispers as our teacher enters the room. Oh come on, it's just a seat people, calm down. The way they're looking, you'd think he sat on my lap or something.

I stare at my desk, trying to ignore all of them, until our teacher, Mr. Johnson, starts his history lecture. When it seems like everyone's attention is otherwise occupied, I finally look up.

A note lands on my desk, and I open it up to see that it's from Rose:

Mia, after class, I expect a full report on that wonderful looking boy you came in with.

I look up to see her across the room looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I mouth, "I'll tell you later." to her and smile. She smiles back and turns back to the lecture.

I turn to my left and glance at Hunter, who has a confused expression on his face. I lean towards him and whisper, "What?"

He nods to someone over my shoulder. "That guy's been glaring over here since we came in."

I turn around to see Sean staring at us, and as soon as he catches my eye, he turns away. His jaw is stiff and hardened though, like he's angry.

Okay, has the entire world gone mad?

Sean has no reason to look so pissed. After all, he's the one who dumped me.

Not just dumped. he lied to me and started dating someone else. I mean, if anyone should be upset, don't you think it should be me?

I turn back to face Hunter. "Friend of yours?" he asks.

As I try to think of an answer that won't involve revealing my entire pathetic backstory, my mind drifts back to last year.


Sean and I have been talking for about a month now, and he's finally, finally asked me out.

As I finish getting ready, I make sure that Clara's clear on the plan for keeping this whole thing a secret from our parents.

"Okay, one more time," I say. "If they ask, where I am, what do you tell them?"

"That you're with Kimberly," Clara replies from where she's lying upside down on my bed.

"Right," I say. "And if they try to call to find out when I'm going to be home, what do you do?"

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