Chapter 20 - Harry Potter References.. My One Weakness

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"Mia, come on, please talk to me."




"Why not?" Hunter pleads, moving to block my path and stop me from walking away. "Come on, I didn't really mean to hit him. And besides, the guy deserved it. You can't seriously be mad at me."

"Oh, you didn't mean to? You punched him like five times, Hunter."

"Accidents happen?" he says hopefully with a shrug, which just makes me even more mad. He's clearly not taking this seriously.

"You know what? It's not even about that. You could've been seriously hurt," I explain. "Or worse, expelled."

"You need to sort out your priorities," Hunter replies with a surprisingly good fake British accent and a smirk on his face.

"Shut up..," I say, trying to repress a smile. Damn it, Harry Potter references.. my one weakness.

"Come on Mia, I'm fine, see?" he says gesturing to himself, clearly choosing to ignore the cuts on his face and the massive bruise on his jaw that's turning purple as we speak. "Plus, Zack and Jay broke it up before I maimed him for life, so what's the big deal?" He reaches out to grab my hand, but I pull it away. He's not off the hook just yet.

"The big deal is that you can't just go around hitting everybody that's rude to me."

His faces falls, his voice losing all humor. "Mia, did you hear what he said?" he asks. "I'm not someone who fights over every little thing, but if you think I'm just going to let someone touch you or talk about you like that, then you're sadly mistaken."

"I heard what he said," I reply, recalling his words. "And sure, it stung a little, but that's not what bothered me. What bothered me more was having to watch the two of you swing at each other like that. I know you 'won,' but he could've hurt you, you know," I confess.

His expression softens, before a mischievous glint comes into his eyes.

"Please, I'm a ninja compared to that guy."

I smack his chest. "I'm being serious!" I stress as he chuckles.

"I know, I know.. Hey," he says grabbing my hand again and tugging me towards him. "I'm sorry I made you worry, alright? If anything like that ever happens again, I'll try to restrain myself, although I can't make any promises," he says rubbing the back of his neck, and looking adorable doing it. "So, forgive me?" he asks, doing that thing with his eyes.

Oh, who am I kidding, I can't stay mad at him. After practically avoiding his eyes this whole time, I chance a glance up at him, and just in that short look, it hits me how amazing he is.

Over the past couple of weeks since our "not date," I've been more and more struck by just how much stronger the attraction that I have towards this boy has grown.

I've begun to notice so many things about him, to the point where I'm starting to worry that I'm obsessed. I notice how his lips tort when he's thinking, how his ocean-like blue eyes glisten when he's laughing or talking about something he's passionate about, how his hair falls after he's just run his hand through it, or how it sticks to his forehead right after he's finished a race.

I've been noticing everything. The way his actions can range from bold and confident to adorably shy without ever missing a beat, how his chest rises and falls when he falls asleep in class after a sleepless night spent at home, and how peaceful he looks when he does so.

I've been noticing everything. Everything about him. I can also tell that I'm slowly getting attached to every single one of those things, and that scares the crap out of me, because the more attached I get, the more it scares me to think of what might happen when he's not with me anymore.

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