Chapter 33 - Dirty Little Secret

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"Oh my God, Mia, Alex just texted me back," Rose says from her side of the bed.

"Really? That's great," I yawn, lazily texting my sister Alina. Apparently, one of her music professors for next semester is a complete jerk, and she's considering dropping the class.

"Well, what do I say?" she asks.

"Tell him you want to marry him and have his babies," I reply absentmindedly. "Ow!" I exclaim, after an angry Rose hits me in the arm. "What was that for?" I demand, finally looking at her.

"Because you're not even listening!" she complains before glancing down at my phone in my hand. "Sorry to interrupt your sexting with Hunter, but we have bigger things to worry about here," she says, practically shoving her own phone in my face.

I sigh. She's been like this ever since we got here.

The entire track team hit the road this morning for the Far East championship. It's a four day trip, with two days of that reserved for just the huge track meet, and I am beyond nervous.

When I think about it though, in comparison to all the other years, this season has really flown by. Normally, the last few months would have dragged on for what felt like forever, but this year, it's like they passed in the blink of an eye. Even after we get back, there's only about three and a half weeks of school left until summer vacation.

Unfortunately, before that, I'm going to have to make it through this week, and that means surviving Rose and Alex.

Ever since their fight a couple of weeks ago, they've been on some kind of break. I'm not sure why though, all it's been doing is driving them both insane. Naturally, I'm the lucky person who gets to room with Rose while she goes crazy. Yay me.

"First of all, I'm texting my sister, and I told you, Hunter and I aren't 'closet freaks,' no matter what you keep telling people," I explain, narrowing my eyes at her. Rose just shrugs. "Second, I don't know what you want from me, I can't flirt to save my life," I say, laying back down on my side of the bed.

"You don't have to," she says. "I'd settle for some actual effort and less sarcasm."

"But sarcasm is how I get all the boys," I reply. "Well, that and milkshakes. Now if only I could figure out a way to get them past my yard, I'd be set."

Rose narrows her eyes at me before falling back down on her pillow with a huff. "I hate you," she says.

"You love me," I reply. "Besides, we both know Alex is head over heels in love with you. Just be honest with him about what you want, things will work themselves out," I tell her.

She turns her head to look at me. "Are you sure?" she asks.

I smile at her. "Of course I'm sure," I say. "Now just go to sleep, it's late, and we have the biggest meet of the year tomorrow."

"Alright fine," she says, getting up to turn off the light, "but I still don't believe you."

I lean over the edge of the bed and plug my phone up to its charger. "Believe me about what?" I ask.

"The sexting. Just admit it Mia, don't worry, I won't judge," she says with a smirk. "Zack and Jay on the other hand..," she tilts her head to the side. "They'd probably kill you and then him."

I roll my eyes and turn over on my side. "You know it'd be very easy to suffocate you with a pillow right now," I tell her. "You'd never even see it coming."

"Try me," she laughs, before turning over to go to sleep.

In the dark, I lie there for a while just thinking about tomorrow. Track meets still make me incredibly nervous. I mean, sure, having Hunter around is more than helpful, but there are always going to be things that I'm going to have to do alone, and this is one of them. Despite the fact that I've competed like this for years, it's still just terrifying every time, and maybe that'll never go away.

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